I need a little circuit to adapt an ordinary telephone to play computer wav
files over the line.
So for example, if I was talking to my friend on a conventional telephone,
while sitting at the computer, and I told him a joke, I could click a wav
file of Curly of the three stooges, and we would instantly both hear it in
our telephone conversation, just as if Curly was one the line with us. Or
we could have a song playing on the line within our conversation.
where could I buy this device?
or is there a circuit diagram I could build?
assume a standard conventional corded telephone in the USA, and a typical
Windows XP computer with a typical sound card. Also, how would this work
with a typical cordless telephone?
files over the line.
So for example, if I was talking to my friend on a conventional telephone,
while sitting at the computer, and I told him a joke, I could click a wav
file of Curly of the three stooges, and we would instantly both hear it in
our telephone conversation, just as if Curly was one the line with us. Or
we could have a song playing on the line within our conversation.
where could I buy this device?
or is there a circuit diagram I could build?
assume a standard conventional corded telephone in the USA, and a typical
Windows XP computer with a typical sound card. Also, how would this work
with a typical cordless telephone?