Circuit Help - 12V Boat light control



I've had some experience with electronics, and can solder quite well, but
don't have the experience I need for this.

Situation: My boat (12V) has a light control that is broke. I replaced the
big components but it still doesn't work correctly. I think some traces are
possibly bleeding because one button affects other circuits. Eventually,
nothing works at all. The circuit is ground switching.

Attempt #1: Prototype of a single circuit...I built the voltage regulator
just as is on this board with a LM2930T-5. 4004 diode from power to source,
22uf cap between ground and source pins, and a 220uf cap from output. Then
I connected a 10Kohm resistor to that. Aft of resistor goes to a simple
on/off switch instead
of the flipflop/momentary switch logic. Output of switch goes to gate on
15N05L mosfet.
Source to mosfet is ground and drain goes out to fuse and out to the ground
of the light circuit.

Needless to say, it doesn't work and I'm sure it's because I'm an idiot.
Plus, meter reads 10V aft of the capacitor...which confuses me right off the

Could someone possible make some suggestions. For all I know, I could
simple use a surface mount on/off switch and get rid of everything else. I
just don't know what they can take.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!


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Chip Shults
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