Jean-Paul Turcaud
La Rochelle
Dear Friends & Enemies of the Land of Bastards ( LOB ),
In anticipation of the 9.2 Sydney Quake which will strike the Eastern border
of Australia in about a fortnight now, let me tell you that tale associated
with Christmas Pool
Christmas Pool as the Mining Criminals of Newmont / Newcrest & BHP know
well, is a pool which was discovered by a Government Survey party led by
Talbot in the early part of last Century. Of course they found nothing with
regards to the huge richness of the Great Sandy Desert, and as all of you
know, this was the fact of Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud to discover that Huge
Richness on the 14th of October of 1970.
You certainly know, as well as all that manure working for the Mining
Criminals of Newmont / Newcrest & BHP in the Great Sandy Desert know, a
thing confirmed officially recently by the WA Head Turd of the infamous WA
Whorehouse aka WA Parliament , Premier (Slippery) Gallop, that the
Official Discoverers of those huge richness there for Australia at large
were Tyrrwhitt the Shit, Thomson the Cunt, Searls the Gutless, Koehn &
Borner for Telfer Mine, Barr of WMC for Nifty and Atkinson for Kintyre.
Okay ?
Now what 's that tale which I believe is related in President Sheppard 's
book " The Goldern Rule " , a book indeed which I have never read, never
opened, of which I refused any royalty and further still of which I got rid
by offering my version to the La Rochelle Bibliotčque Universitaire ! Why ?
Simply because I would hate reading again the story of my crucifixion in
the Land of Bastards indeed !
Well, when I discovered all that huge richness of the Great Sandy Desert
which I found rightly as Copper Mine with Gold associated, and the huge
Gossans associated with the specific Anticline structure... all this on the
border of the Canning Basin with profile I rightly anticipated indeed ( as a
What was written then ?
P. TURCAUD 14 10 70
But you will not find anymore since that Mining Criminals Filth took upon
itself to erase with hammer and chisel the name carved by Australia Mining
Pioneer Sir Turcaud, alongside the other Pioneers of your fucken History !
THE QUESTION IS NOW ! What was the reason for the Mining Criminals of
Tyrwhitt the Shit, Thomson the Cunt, Searls the Gutless and the other manure
to erase that name ????
Was it because it was questioning the anteriority of the Discovery which
everyone of those Sons of Bitch claimed in turn ? Was it because it was
questioning the legality of the Wheeling & Dealing where 2 smoke screen
companies of Narla & Day Dawn ( subsidiaries of the Boral Criminals ) were
used to shunt the gallant Australia Mining Pioneer ?
Was it on order of that Sir Corrupt Court & Mansaros filth that the name of
the Brave French Migrant had to be erased, and his discoveries then granted
to others who never had either the guts, the intelligence and the geological
acumen to even conceive the Potential of the Great Sandy Desert ?
Was it on order of the Newmont / Newcrest & BHP manure which did not want
interference in sharing the bounty ....and then not give his share to the
Brave Mining Prospector !
All those guesses could in fact be the right ones since that type of
Geological Filth and Mining Filth and Political Filth will not back up to
further its greed .... and like the Highway Robbers they are all, will not
hesitate to leave their victim dying in the gutter ! ....and now from
Malozemoff to Murdy & Palmer or from that son of bitch of Court to that
other son of bich of Gallop, you find all along that same purpose !!!!
Hence the well deserved Sydney 9.2 Quake which will strike around Christmas
as a collective Punishment for the Collective Crimes and a direct reminder
indeed of what was carried out at Christmas Pool by the Mining & Political
Criminals of the time, and which is praised & confirmed by the one of now
as well as by their supporters
Have a nice time around Christmas and don't forget, I will not shed a single
tear over the announced massacre
Yours faithfully
For any comment or to wish me a Happy New Year, you can join me at :
Phone +33 5 46 51 51 51
Mobile +33 6 68 15 80 06
( If I am not in, please leave your message to the secretary )
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia
* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union)
http://www.tnet.com.au/~warrigal/grule.html ,
* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site
~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
Dear Friends & Enemies of the Land of Bastards ( LOB ),
In anticipation of the 9.2 Sydney Quake which will strike the Eastern border
of Australia in about a fortnight now, let me tell you that tale associated
with Christmas Pool
Christmas Pool as the Mining Criminals of Newmont / Newcrest & BHP know
well, is a pool which was discovered by a Government Survey party led by
Talbot in the early part of last Century. Of course they found nothing with
regards to the huge richness of the Great Sandy Desert, and as all of you
know, this was the fact of Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud to discover that Huge
Richness on the 14th of October of 1970.
You certainly know, as well as all that manure working for the Mining
Criminals of Newmont / Newcrest & BHP in the Great Sandy Desert know, a
thing confirmed officially recently by the WA Head Turd of the infamous WA
Whorehouse aka WA Parliament , Premier (Slippery) Gallop, that the
Official Discoverers of those huge richness there for Australia at large
were Tyrrwhitt the Shit, Thomson the Cunt, Searls the Gutless, Koehn &
Borner for Telfer Mine, Barr of WMC for Nifty and Atkinson for Kintyre.
Okay ?
Now what 's that tale which I believe is related in President Sheppard 's
book " The Goldern Rule " , a book indeed which I have never read, never
opened, of which I refused any royalty and further still of which I got rid
by offering my version to the La Rochelle Bibliotčque Universitaire ! Why ?
Simply because I would hate reading again the story of my crucifixion in
the Land of Bastards indeed !
Well, when I discovered all that huge richness of the Great Sandy Desert
which I found rightly as Copper Mine with Gold associated, and the huge
Gossans associated with the specific Anticline structure... all this on the
border of the Canning Basin with profile I rightly anticipated indeed ( as a
What was written then ?
P. TURCAUD 14 10 70
But you will not find anymore since that Mining Criminals Filth took upon
itself to erase with hammer and chisel the name carved by Australia Mining
Pioneer Sir Turcaud, alongside the other Pioneers of your fucken History !
THE QUESTION IS NOW ! What was the reason for the Mining Criminals of
Tyrwhitt the Shit, Thomson the Cunt, Searls the Gutless and the other manure
to erase that name ????
Was it because it was questioning the anteriority of the Discovery which
everyone of those Sons of Bitch claimed in turn ? Was it because it was
questioning the legality of the Wheeling & Dealing where 2 smoke screen
companies of Narla & Day Dawn ( subsidiaries of the Boral Criminals ) were
used to shunt the gallant Australia Mining Pioneer ?
Was it on order of that Sir Corrupt Court & Mansaros filth that the name of
the Brave French Migrant had to be erased, and his discoveries then granted
to others who never had either the guts, the intelligence and the geological
acumen to even conceive the Potential of the Great Sandy Desert ?
Was it on order of the Newmont / Newcrest & BHP manure which did not want
interference in sharing the bounty ....and then not give his share to the
Brave Mining Prospector !
All those guesses could in fact be the right ones since that type of
Geological Filth and Mining Filth and Political Filth will not back up to
further its greed .... and like the Highway Robbers they are all, will not
hesitate to leave their victim dying in the gutter ! ....and now from
Malozemoff to Murdy & Palmer or from that son of bitch of Court to that
other son of bich of Gallop, you find all along that same purpose !!!!
Hence the well deserved Sydney 9.2 Quake which will strike around Christmas
as a collective Punishment for the Collective Crimes and a direct reminder
indeed of what was carried out at Christmas Pool by the Mining & Political
Criminals of the time, and which is praised & confirmed by the one of now
as well as by their supporters
Have a nice time around Christmas and don't forget, I will not shed a single
tear over the announced massacre
Yours faithfully
For any comment or to wish me a Happy New Year, you can join me at :
Phone +33 5 46 51 51 51
Mobile +33 6 68 15 80 06
( If I am not in, please leave your message to the secretary )
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
True Geologist
Founder of the True Geology
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer and Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia
* The "Golden Rule" or true story of the Discovery of the Telfer Mine
Author Bob Sheppard President of the APLA (Australian Prospectors' Union)
http://www.tnet.com.au/~warrigal/grule.html ,
* As well as Dr Don Findlay's Geological Site
~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~