On May 23, 7:02 pm, Bret_E_Cah...@yahoo.com wrote:
Heh, nice quote.Online communication can wonderfully liberate the tender soul of some
well-meaning personage who, for whatever reason, is physically
If you include grossly obese folk -- I know I would --, then that's
30% of Americans.
There is little question high volume newsgroups posters will have an
even higher obesity rate, just as red states generally have higher
obesity rates than blue states.
Getting these folk and the spree shooters off the street is one of the
greatest benefits of the info age.
Unfortunately, online communication also fertilizes the
eccentricities of hopeless cranks, who at last find themselves in firm
possession of a wondrous soapbox that the Trilateral Commission and
the Men In Black had previously denied them."
What's the down side?
If you don't don't like crank posts, then don't click on them.
If you want to save others from being misled by crank posts [read: if
you are daydreaming about censorship], well, you might as well
daydream about perpetual motion machines and the Masons having some
kind of extraordinary political power.
To be more blunt:
If you don't just accept freedom of communication but _embrace_ free
speech for all including every wacko on the planet, you are bat crap
Online cranks are individuals and unlike groups like creationists or
gun nutters, they occasionally provide an opportunity to educate the
general public.
A related problem, probably due to the recession, is many posters are
in pretend land.
A few months ago some cranks on sci.electronics.basics were pretending
they had a tech background. One dunce, posting under the name John
Fields, claimed he had a money making patent but he was too modest to
give the patent number.
An inventor search of "John Fields" -- something the dunce could have
done himself -- brought up zero hits onhttp://www.uspto.gov/patft/index.html.
Another crank was pretending he was involved in $200 million worth of
circuit design business yet claimed there was no mention of himself in
the public record.
I told him, "hey, buddy, if you ain't in the public record, you ain't
moving no dough. What you are telling us isn't just implausible or
incredible, but impossible."
Another crank claimed that computer cards, like those on the 2nd
crank's web page, were a "niche market."
He then made some idle threats to sue for defamation but soon back
Again, cranks provide an opportunity to educate the general public.
Embrace free speech, don't daydream about censorship.
Bret Cahill
True but like you, showing them up likely at least gives them pause
for thought before spamming the group with utter nonsense if people
are going to call them out on it. At least for the ones that are mild
Science, political conspiracy and other cranks aren't completely
dysfunctional. A lone crank just isn't a threat to anything. As
Nietzsche said, "insanity is rare in individuals but it is the norm in
peoples, movements and ages."
Bret Cahill