Grzegorz Zalot
We now know the cause of the problems with the PIC16F648A.
The internal EEPROM writing procedure damages some bits in the port
status register, most probably bit RP0 is affected. And seemingly this
happens only if multiple interrupts occur during writing the EEPROM. However,
this doesn't really matter, the chips are not usable anyway.
Writing the EEPROM takes about 4 ms, too long to disable all interrupts
during that time.
Grzegorz Zalot
complex ltd.
office tel/fax : +48 32 2505840
mobil : +48 501 301515
The internal EEPROM writing procedure damages some bits in the port
status register, most probably bit RP0 is affected. And seemingly this
happens only if multiple interrupts occur during writing the EEPROM. However,
this doesn't really matter, the chips are not usable anyway.
Writing the EEPROM takes about 4 ms, too long to disable all interrupts
during that time.
Grzegorz Zalot
complex ltd.
office tel/fax : +48 32 2505840
mobil : +48 501 301515