Ralph Mowery
Today I received one of the roughly $ 20 component testers. Checking
it out and comparing capacitors I notices a big difference in a couple
of them
I was using a Fluke 87, a LCR meter from China, an older component
tester and the new component tester.
The first capacitor was a Sprague .06 uF 600V. Two China testers showed
near the value. Within the 10% tollorence, The LCR tester showed it
to be .08 and the Fluke as .1 uF.
This is a new,but very old capacitor.
Next capacitor was a 20 year old no name of .068 of 50 V made with the
Poly something dielectric. All meters were with in less than 10 %. Ok
Same results with a newer one of .01 uF .
Next came a Silver mica. It is .01 at 600 V. Fluke shows up at .0150,
LCR at .0120. Two component testers were close and in spec.
What gives with some capacitors checking like they should and some being
way off, not just 10 % or so ? I ran the tests several times on each
capacitor to see if maybe the leads were not making good contact and any
other similar thing I may have missed like having my fingers across the
Ralph ku4pt
it out and comparing capacitors I notices a big difference in a couple
of them
I was using a Fluke 87, a LCR meter from China, an older component
tester and the new component tester.
The first capacitor was a Sprague .06 uF 600V. Two China testers showed
near the value. Within the 10% tollorence, The LCR tester showed it
to be .08 and the Fluke as .1 uF.
This is a new,but very old capacitor.
Next capacitor was a 20 year old no name of .068 of 50 V made with the
Poly something dielectric. All meters were with in less than 10 %. Ok
Same results with a newer one of .01 uF .
Next came a Silver mica. It is .01 at 600 V. Fluke shows up at .0150,
LCR at .0120. Two component testers were close and in spec.
What gives with some capacitors checking like they should and some being
way off, not just 10 % or so ? I ran the tests several times on each
capacitor to see if maybe the leads were not making good contact and any
other similar thing I may have missed like having my fingers across the
Ralph ku4pt