A while back I built an adjustable power supply with a 12V 1.2A power
supply, a full wave bridge rectifier, and an LM117 adjustable
regulator. I was thinking about using this adjustable power supply to
quick charge a small 5-cell 6V NiMH battery pack I use in a R/C car.
If I connect the battery pack to my adjustable supply (set @ 6V) what
current will the power supply put out? Will the power supply put out
the 1.2A rating of the transformer? I do plan to carefully time the
charge so that I do not overcharge the pack.
supply, a full wave bridge rectifier, and an LM117 adjustable
regulator. I was thinking about using this adjustable power supply to
quick charge a small 5-cell 6V NiMH battery pack I use in a R/C car.
If I connect the battery pack to my adjustable supply (set @ 6V) what
current will the power supply put out? Will the power supply put out
the 1.2A rating of the transformer? I do plan to carefully time the
charge so that I do not overcharge the pack.