Patrick Klacka
Given two values, compare_value and change_value, is it possible to
simultaneously update all values within a fifo that equal
compare_value to change_value without having to devote a number of
clock cycles proportional to the depth of the fifo?
The memory storage need not be a fifo, but that is how it should
function when reading and writing to it. Also, a value will only be
pulled off the fifo when another values is inserted, thus ensuring
that the fifo will always remain full. The simultaneous update of the
values will only happen at the time that a new value is inserted. I am
currently using an Altera Stratix 1S10, and could take advantage of
one or more of its features, but I'm hoping for a solution that is not
device dependent.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions that may lead to a
solution to this problem.
Given two values, compare_value and change_value, is it possible to
simultaneously update all values within a fifo that equal
compare_value to change_value without having to devote a number of
clock cycles proportional to the depth of the fifo?
The memory storage need not be a fifo, but that is how it should
function when reading and writing to it. Also, a value will only be
pulled off the fifo when another values is inserted, thus ensuring
that the fifo will always remain full. The simultaneous update of the
values will only happen at the time that a new value is inserted. I am
currently using an Altera Stratix 1S10, and could take advantage of
one or more of its features, but I'm hoping for a solution that is not
device dependent.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions that may lead to a
solution to this problem.