I am working on parallel implementation of merge-sort (infact, the last
step of merge-sort where I need to only merge two sorted arrays of
equal lengths to form a bigger sorted array) in VHDL. I adapted an
existing program for my implementation and it works well during
simulation. However, it doesn't get synthesized. What changes should I
make in the design to make it synthesizable, without changing the
architecture. Or even if any change in the architecture is required,
only a few latencies are acceptable. Following is my code and the
errors I received while synthesis in Quartus II 5.0 (I think the
'Warning' may be ignored, my issue is more towards the 'Error' part).
Perhaps to reduce the logic element consumption, I can play in some
part of the code. But that should not cost higher latencies.
1 library ieee;
2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
4 entity msort_c is
5 generic (
6 n: integer := 3;
7 w: integer := 4
8 );
10 port (
11 clock: in std_logic;
13 reset: in std_logic;
15 valid: in std_logic;
17 data_array1: in bit_vector (((n*w)-1) downto 0); -- This is the
first sorted data
18 -- array input port of the sorting unit
20 data_array2: in bit_vector (((n*w)-1) downto 0); -- This is the
second sorted data
21 -- array input port of the sorting unit
23 sorted_array: out bit_vector ((((2*n)*w)-1) downto 0)
24 );
25 end entity msort_c;
28 architecture msort_c_arch of msort_c is
29 begin
30 process (reset, clock, valid)
31 variable x1, x2: natural range 0 to n;
32 variable pick2: boolean;
33 begin
34 if (reset = '1') then
35 sorted_array <= (others => '0');
36 elsif (clock = '1' and clock'event) then
37 if (valid = '1') then
39 x1 := 0;
40 x2 := 0;
42 for i in 0 to ((2*n)-1) loop
44 -- Decide which list to pick from...
45 pick2 := FALSE;
46 if (x1 = n) then
47 pick2 := TRUE;
48 elsif (x2 /= n) then
49 pick2 := data_array1((((x1+1)*w)-1) downto (x1*w))
52 -- Pick
53 if pick2 then
54 sorted_array((((i+1)*w)-1) downto (i*w)) <=
data_array2((((x2+1)*w)-1) downto (x2*w));
55 x2 := x2 + 1;
56 else
57 sorted_array((((i+1)*w)-1) downto (i*w)) <=
data_array1((((x1+1)*w)-1) downto (x1*w));
58 x1 := x1 + 1;
59 end if; --end of 'pick' if loop
60 end loop; --end of i-choice 'for' loop
61 else
62 sorted_array <= (others => '0');
63 end if;--end of 'if-valid' loop
64 end if;--end of 'if-reset' loop
65 end process;
67 end architecture msort_c_arch;
Error: VHDL error at msort_c.vhd(49): left bound of range must be a
Warning: VHDL Process Statement warning at msort_c.vhd(30): signal or
variable "sorted_array" may not be assigned a new value in every
possible path through the Process Statement. Signal or variable
"sorted_array" holds its previous value in every path with no new value
assignment, which may create a combinational loop in the current
Error: Can't elaborate top-level user hierarchy
Error: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 1
Error: Processing ended: Thu Jul 21 09:01:04 2005
Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:01
Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 1 warning
I am working on parallel implementation of merge-sort (infact, the last
step of merge-sort where I need to only merge two sorted arrays of
equal lengths to form a bigger sorted array) in VHDL. I adapted an
existing program for my implementation and it works well during
simulation. However, it doesn't get synthesized. What changes should I
make in the design to make it synthesizable, without changing the
architecture. Or even if any change in the architecture is required,
only a few latencies are acceptable. Following is my code and the
errors I received while synthesis in Quartus II 5.0 (I think the
'Warning' may be ignored, my issue is more towards the 'Error' part).
Perhaps to reduce the logic element consumption, I can play in some
part of the code. But that should not cost higher latencies.
1 library ieee;
2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
4 entity msort_c is
5 generic (
6 n: integer := 3;
7 w: integer := 4
8 );
10 port (
11 clock: in std_logic;
13 reset: in std_logic;
15 valid: in std_logic;
17 data_array1: in bit_vector (((n*w)-1) downto 0); -- This is the
first sorted data
18 -- array input port of the sorting unit
20 data_array2: in bit_vector (((n*w)-1) downto 0); -- This is the
second sorted data
21 -- array input port of the sorting unit
23 sorted_array: out bit_vector ((((2*n)*w)-1) downto 0)
24 );
25 end entity msort_c;
28 architecture msort_c_arch of msort_c is
29 begin
30 process (reset, clock, valid)
31 variable x1, x2: natural range 0 to n;
32 variable pick2: boolean;
33 begin
34 if (reset = '1') then
35 sorted_array <= (others => '0');
36 elsif (clock = '1' and clock'event) then
37 if (valid = '1') then
39 x1 := 0;
40 x2 := 0;
42 for i in 0 to ((2*n)-1) loop
44 -- Decide which list to pick from...
45 pick2 := FALSE;
46 if (x1 = n) then
47 pick2 := TRUE;
48 elsif (x2 /= n) then
49 pick2 := data_array1((((x1+1)*w)-1) downto (x1*w))
51data_array2((((x2+1)*w)-1) downto (x2*w));
50 end if;
52 -- Pick
53 if pick2 then
54 sorted_array((((i+1)*w)-1) downto (i*w)) <=
data_array2((((x2+1)*w)-1) downto (x2*w));
55 x2 := x2 + 1;
56 else
57 sorted_array((((i+1)*w)-1) downto (i*w)) <=
data_array1((((x1+1)*w)-1) downto (x1*w));
58 x1 := x1 + 1;
59 end if; --end of 'pick' if loop
60 end loop; --end of i-choice 'for' loop
61 else
62 sorted_array <= (others => '0');
63 end if;--end of 'if-valid' loop
64 end if;--end of 'if-reset' loop
65 end process;
67 end architecture msort_c_arch;
Error: VHDL error at msort_c.vhd(49): left bound of range must be a
Warning: VHDL Process Statement warning at msort_c.vhd(30): signal or
variable "sorted_array" may not be assigned a new value in every
possible path through the Process Statement. Signal or variable
"sorted_array" holds its previous value in every path with no new value
assignment, which may create a combinational loop in the current
Error: Can't elaborate top-level user hierarchy
Error: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 1
Error: Processing ended: Thu Jul 21 09:01:04 2005
Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:01
Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 1 warning