On Jun 2, 2:37 pm, px...@cadence.com (Pete nospam Zakel) wrote:
Thank you!In article <6da5f2e7-18d6-4f48-baa1-4215a6468...@m3g2000hsc.googlegroups.com> madhero <uest...@gmail.com> writes:
I created a stringfield, I can get the value of it by stringfieldname-
value, but how can I change the display? I tried something like
stringfieldname->value=5, but the display on the string field didn't
change. Thanks!
When you reference stringfieldname you are refering to the Skill "template"
for the field, not an actual field widget.
To change the value of a field widget, you must reference it through its form:
The reference through the form accesses the actual instantiated widget.
-Pete Zakel
"If God had wanted man to fly, He would have given him airline tickets."