Change GENERICS at top level for synthess


Andy Luotto

Hi there

I am going to sinthesize a design using different generic value for
synthesis and simulation.

To be precise, I was using DW memories for simulation (which are
limited to 256 depth))) and memory macrocell for synthesis and
Is there a way to force a generic value from Synopsys DC before
elaboration in order to force the toll to assign the right values? I
can do it easily during simulation using configuration bt Synopsys does
not support configuration (I never understood why ...)

Andy Luotto a écrit :
Hi there

I am going to sinthesize a design using different generic value for
synthesis and simulation.
Is there a way to force a generic value from Synopsys DC before
elaboration in order to force the toll to assign the right values? I
can do it easily during simulation using configuration bt Synopsys does
not support configuration (I never understood why ...)
Why don't you assign simulation values to your generics in your
testbench (where you instantiate your top-level design file), keeping
default values for synthesis? (see example below)

entity top_level is
generic (
GEN_PARAM : natural := synthesis_default_value_1);

entity testbench
architecture str of testbench is
top_level_inst : top_level
generic map (
GEN_PARAM => simulation_value_1)

____ _ __ ___
| _ \_)/ _|/ _ \ Adresse de retour invalide: retirez le -
| | | | | (_| |_| | Invalid return address: remove the -
|_| |_|_|\__|\___/
Nicolas Matringe wrote:
Andy Luotto a écrit :
Hi there

I am going to sinthesize a design using different generic value for
synthesis and simulation.
Is there a way to force a generic value from Synopsys DC before
elaboration in order to force the toll to assign the right values?
can do it easily during simulation using configuration bt Synopsys
not support configuration (I never understood why ...)

Why don't you assign simulation values to your generics in your
testbench (where you instantiate your top-level design file), keeping

default values for synthesis? (see example below)

entity top_level is
generic (
GEN_PARAM : natural := synthesis_default_value_1);

entity testbench
architecture str of testbench is
top_level_inst : top_level
generic map (
GEN_PARAM => simulation_value_1)

____ _ __ ___
| _ \_)/ _|/ _ \ Adresse de retour invalide: retirez le -
| | | | | (_| |_| | Invalid return address: remove the -
|_| |_|_|\__|\___/
Good idea. Thanks (the simple the better!


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