Deokhwan Kim

[apologies if you receive this CFP multiple times]


First Call For Papers

The 13th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'06)

Seoul, Korea
29-31 August 2006


Submission: 7 April 2006
Notification: 26 May 2006
Camera-ready: 10 June 2006


Static Analysis is increasingly recognized as a fundamental tool for
program verification, bug detection, compiler optimization, program
understanding, and software maintenance. The series of Static Analysis
Symposia has served as the primary venue for presentation of
theoretical, practical, and application advances in the area. The
Thirteenth International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'06) will be
held in Seoul, hosted by the Seoul National University. Previous
symposia were held in London, Verona, San Diego, Madrid, Santa
Barbara, Venice, Pisa, Paris, Aachen, Glasgow and Namur.

The technical program for SAS'06 will consist of invited lectures,
tutorials, presentations of refereed papers, and software
demonstrations. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of Static
Analysis, including, but not limited to

abstract domains abstract interpretation
abstract testing bug detection
data flow analysis model checking
program specialization security analysis
theoretical frameworks type checking
verifications new applications

Submissions can address any programming paradigm, including
concurrent, constraint, functional, imperative, logic and
object-oriented programming. Survey papers, that present some aspect
of the above topics with a new coherence, and application papers, that
describe experience with industrial applications, are also welcomed.


- All submissions be submitted electronically online via the
symposium web page
Acceptable formats are PostScript or PDF, viewable by Ghostview or
Acrobat Reader.
- Paper submissions should not exceed 15 pages in LNCS format,
excluding bibliography and well-marked appendices. Program committee
members are not required to read the appendices, and thus papers must
be intelligible without them.
- Papers must describe original work, be written and presented
in English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with refereed proceedings.
- Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance,
relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. They
should clearly identify what has been accomplished and why it is
- The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series.

Kwangkeun Yi (Seoul National U., Korea)

Anindya Banerjee (Kansas State U., USA)
Wei-Ngan Chin (National U. of Singapore, Singapore)
Patrick Cousot (ENS Paris, France)
Roberto Giacobazzi (U. of Verona, Italy)
Chris Hankin (Imperial College, UK)
Luddy Harrison (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Naoki Kobayashi (Tohoku U., Japan)
Oukseh Lee (Hanyang U., Korea)
Alan Mycroft (U. of Cambridge, UK)
Kedar Namjoshi (Bell Labs., USA)
Jens Palsberg (UCLA, USA)
Andreas Podelski (Max-Planck-Institut, Germany)
Ganesan Ramalingam (IBM T.J.Watson, USA)
Radu Rugina (Cornell U., USA)
Harald Sondergaard (U. of Melbourne, Australia)
Zhendong Su (UC Davis, USA)
Reinhard Wilhelm (U. des Saarlandes, Germany)

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