CFP: EH-2004 Second Call for Abstracts



Dear Colleague,

The abstract submission deadline (December 1st, 2003) for the 2004
NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware is now approaching. The
main purpose of the one-page abstract is to provide the authors
early feedback before submitting the full paper. This will also
allow the Conference organization to start preparing the sessions
in advance.

Due to the one-page limit of the abstract, we would encourage the
authors to outline the forthcoming paper contents, explain the
main objectives of their research and summarize expected results
if that is the case.

The conference web site is at:
Please do not hesitate to contact the Conference Chair, Ricardo
S. Zebulum, ( if you have any

Abstracts should be submitted electronically to

Hope to see you in Seattle!!!!

Ricardo Zebulum
David Gwaltney
Gregory Hornby
Didier Keymeulen
Jason Lohn
Adrian Stoica


2004 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware

June 24- 26, 2004
Seattle, Washington, USA
Hotel (TBD), Seattle, WA

Sponsored by:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Department of Defense (DoD)

Supported by:
Life Detection Science and Technology, JPL (LDST, JPL)
Space Exploration Technology Program, JPL (SETP, JPL)
Information Sciences and Technology Directorate,
NASA Ames Research Center(NASA Ames)
Computing, Information and Communications Technology Program,
NASA Ames Research Center(CICT)
Advanced Computing Applications Office, NASA Marshall Space
Flight Center (MSFC)
Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence,
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)

Hosted by:
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL, EHW group at JPL)

The 2004 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware (EH-2004)
builds upon the tradition of the successful series of NASA/DoD
Workshops (the first Workshop hosted by JPL in Pasadena, 1999; the
second Workshop hosted by NASA Ames in Palo Alto, 2000; and the
third Workshop hosted by JPL in Long Beach in 2001) and
Conferences (2002 hosted by NASA Goddard in Washington, DC and
2003 hosted by AMES in Chicago ) on Evolvable Hardware. Evolvable
Hardware is an emerging field that applies evolution to automate
design and adaptation of physical reconfigurable and morphable
structures such as electronic systems, antennas, MEMS and robots.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together leading
researchers from the evolvable hardware community, representatives
of the automated design and programmable/reconfigurable hardware
communities, technology developers and end-users from the
aerospace, military and commercial sectors.

Evolvable hardware techniques enable self-reconfigurability,
adaptability and learning by programmable devices and thus have
the potential to significantly increase the functionality of
deployable hardware systems. Evolvable Hardware is expected to
have major impact on deployable systems for space systems and
defense applications that need to survive and perform at optimal
functionality during long duration in unknown, harsh and/or
changing environments. It is also expected to greatly enhance
the capability of systems that need modification, upgrade and
learning without interrupting their operation.

This year's Conference will introduce two new features: early
submission of abstracts previous to full-paper submission and the
organization of Special Sessions.


Prospective authors are invited to submit the electronic version
of their abstract (ie PS, PDF, MSWord) by email to . The abstract is limited to 1 page and
should be submitted in single-spaced, 10 point type on a 8.5"x11"
or equivalent paper with 1" margins on all sides. Each submission
should contain the following items: (1) title of paper, (2) author
name(s), (3) first author physical address, (4) first author e-mail
address, (5) first author phone number, (6) the text of the
abstract, and (7) references.


Abstract submission deadline: December 1, 2003
Author notification abstract: December 15, 2003
Paper submission deadline: January 31, 2004
Author notification paper: March 15, 2004
Camera ready manuscript deadline: March 31, 2004
Conference: June 24-26, 2004

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