CFLs not electronic waste?


Phil Allison

** The local council has leafleted everyone about an upcoming "Residential
Electronics Waste Collection Day".

There is a long list of things that are acceptable:

Televisions, Desktop Computers, Laptops, Hard Drives and other parts,
Monitors, Computer Mouse, Keyboards, Printers, Photocopiers, Scanners, Fax
machines, Mobile phones, Telephones, Digital and film cameras, DVD and Video
players, Gaming Consoles and associated equipment, Stereo Systems, Speakers,
Power Tools, Microwaves, Toasters, Irons, Kettles and other Household
Electrical Appliances, Hair Dryers, Vacuum Cleaners.

Fridges, washers and air cons are excluded as are smoke alarms

Hard drives will be shredded, it says.

Prevention of toxic substances like lead, cadmium and mercury getting into
the soil and groundwater is the stated reason for the collection.

But nary a single word about CFLs .....

Need I explain that the Green Party dominates the local council ?

..... Phil
On Oct 6, 10:57 am, "Phil Allison" <> wrote:
** The local council has leafleted everyone about an upcoming  "Residential
Electronics Waste Collection Day".

There is a long list of things that are acceptable:

Televisions, Desktop Computers, Laptops, Hard Drives and other parts,
Monitors, Computer Mouse, Keyboards, Printers, Photocopiers, Scanners, Fax
machines, Mobile phones, Telephones, Digital and film cameras, DVD and Video
players, Gaming Consoles and associated equipment, Stereo Systems, Speakers,
Power Tools,  Microwaves, Toasters, Irons, Kettles and other Household
Electrical Appliances, Hair Dryers, Vacuum Cleaners.

Fridges, washers and air cons are excluded as are smoke alarms

Hard drives will be shredded, it says.

Prevention of toxic substances like lead, cadmium and mercury getting into
the soil and groundwater is the stated reason for the collection.

But nary a single word about CFLs .....

Need I explain that the Green Party dominates the local council ?

....  Phil
I wouldn't want to live there then. Though this green cancer is
On 8/10/2011 7:49 PM, kreed wrote:
.... snipped ..

Maybe you could enquire where the stuff goes. If its shipped to one of
the 3rd world countries, for them to 'recycle' into their rubbish dumps,
then maybe you could advise your 'green' council.


Adrian Jansen adrianjansen at internode dot on dot net
Note reply address is invalid, convert address above to machine form.
"Adrian Jansen"
Maybe you could enquire where the stuff goes. If its shipped to one of
the 3rd world countries, for them to 'recycle' into their rubbish dumps,
then maybe you could advise your 'green' council.
** You are missing the point.

The Green Party is responsible for the absurd ban on incandescent lamps -
but at no time considered the toxic waste
disposal problem of over 20 million CFLs per year.

The local council leaflet specifically mentions toxic waste and mercury -
which all CFLs contain. But residents are expected to put dead ones in the
ordinary rubbish bins, that go straight into land fill.

Cos there is simply no recycling facility for CFLs and it seems they NOT
considered to be electronic.

.... Phil

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