Cerco utenti italiani Orcad 9.2



Tempo fa ho acquistato un Orcad 9.2 con chiave Rainbow che ieri mi si
č guastata.
Tale chiave non č piů supportata dalla Cadence quindi mi si propone un
esborso di 450€ per l'aggiornamento che NON voglio.

qualcuno in Italia puň contattarmi per vendermi una chiave che non usa
piů o darmi indicazioni per il crack, please?

I found ancient runes from Tiziano[etwelectronics@yahoo.com] in the floor of

[snip Italian]

Feeding this to Altavista' translator gives:

Time makes has acquired a Orcad 9,2 with Rainbow key that yesterday me has been
gotten out of order. Such key more is not supported from the Cadence therefore
me proposes an expenditure of 450? for the modernization that I do not want.
Question: someone in Italy can contact to me in order to sell a key to me that
does not use more or gives indications to me for the crack, please? Thanks Tiz

I could understand something about the licensing of Orcad 9.2.

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