I have the case where i want be able to select the name of an
instantiated cellview in the CDF description. For example, i have one
cell 'pmos' with two underlying cellviews called 'layout' and
'rflayout'. Both are pcells generated from skill and they have some
common and some non-common parameters. To make some distinction between
these parameters upon instantiation of cell 'pmos' in a layout, i'm
writing 'pmos' CDF on top of these pcells, but i can't seem to
correctly display parameters for 'layout' or 'rflayout' instances. I'm
thinking i can't use
?display "deGetViewType()==\"maskLayout\""
because both are of type 'maskLayout', so i used
?display "deGetCellView()->viewName==\"layout\""
?display "deGetCellView()->viewName==\"rfayout\""
but this doesn't work either (only the "layout" parameters are
displayed). Is this because deGetCellView() refers to the top level
cell (which is "layout") and not to the instance?
Does anyone have a solution for this?
I have the case where i want be able to select the name of an
instantiated cellview in the CDF description. For example, i have one
cell 'pmos' with two underlying cellviews called 'layout' and
'rflayout'. Both are pcells generated from skill and they have some
common and some non-common parameters. To make some distinction between
these parameters upon instantiation of cell 'pmos' in a layout, i'm
writing 'pmos' CDF on top of these pcells, but i can't seem to
correctly display parameters for 'layout' or 'rflayout' instances. I'm
thinking i can't use
?display "deGetViewType()==\"maskLayout\""
because both are of type 'maskLayout', so i used
?display "deGetCellView()->viewName==\"layout\""
?display "deGetCellView()->viewName==\"rfayout\""
but this doesn't work either (only the "layout" parameters are
displayed). Is this because deGetCellView() refers to the top level
cell (which is "layout") and not to the instance?
Does anyone have a solution for this?