The 4 copper looking contacts on the back of my Verison LG cell phone
are corroding and causing zero charge after being properly set on the
charger base.
The indication of the lack of proper contact is simple enough.
The light on the base charger flashes red after a couple of seconds to
indicate a problem with the charging and then you can either wiggle it
around on the base endlessly as you try and find a working position
for it to rest in and succesfuly charge or you can take a sharp blade
and scrape the corroded crap off the contacts and then it will work
fine for about a week.
The problem is that I sometimes come home from work very tired and
forget to stand there for a disruptively useless moment to wait if the
charger flashes a defiant F.U..
That means I get to wake up in the morning with an uncharged
communicator that would help me none if I were to encounter a
marauding band of Mexicans or something.
So is there anything I can get to coat the flat contacts of my cell
phone to prevent corrosion?
I would just use petroleum jelly like on my car battery terminals but
that would get smeared off in a few minutes being exposed and all.
Where can I buy such a coating?
At this rate I am going to run out of contact surface to coat.
are corroding and causing zero charge after being properly set on the
charger base.
The indication of the lack of proper contact is simple enough.
The light on the base charger flashes red after a couple of seconds to
indicate a problem with the charging and then you can either wiggle it
around on the base endlessly as you try and find a working position
for it to rest in and succesfuly charge or you can take a sharp blade
and scrape the corroded crap off the contacts and then it will work
fine for about a week.
The problem is that I sometimes come home from work very tired and
forget to stand there for a disruptively useless moment to wait if the
charger flashes a defiant F.U..
That means I get to wake up in the morning with an uncharged
communicator that would help me none if I were to encounter a
marauding band of Mexicans or something.
So is there anything I can get to coat the flat contacts of my cell
phone to prevent corrosion?
I would just use petroleum jelly like on my car battery terminals but
that would get smeared off in a few minutes being exposed and all.
Where can I buy such a coating?
At this rate I am going to run out of contact surface to coat.