CDL name perfix


Bernd Fischer

What is the name prefix for a generic device for a CDL netlist?

Background, I want to LVS a inductor with a center tap, but the
inductor syntax of CDL 'LXX n1 n2 Model' allows only two nodes.

Thanks for any hints.
Hey Ralf,

nice to hear form you.

To bring the desired format or terminals in the cdl netlist
is not the problem.
But to make the Assura or other cdl parsers understand that it
is a special or generic device is the problem.
The name prefix
X defines a subcircuit which needs a subcircuit declaration before the call
which I can not give, empty subcircuit declamations like
.SUBCKT mySubCkt term1 term2 term3
will be filtered out by Assura.
The name prefix I doesn't work either, result I does not see the
schematic device in the Assura *.cls file.
the prefix G defines a Voltage-controlled current source and is also
not supported by Assura (form the docs).
I tried to declare my inductor as BJT device but this gives pin swapping
problems which I could not debug till now?

So If you have any further idea let me know.

Thanks Bernd

Ralf Geiger wrote:
Hi Bernd,

Bernd Fischer schrieb:

What is the name prefix for a generic device for a CDL netlist?

Background, I want to LVS a inductor with a center tap, but the
inductor syntax of CDL 'LXX n1 n2 Model' allows only two nodes.

Have you tried the

cdfId->simInfo->auCdl = '( nil
netlistProcedure ansCdlSubcktCall


We use this for Calibre netlisting if a generic device
have to few pins?

(but I haven't done any cabibre work a long time now, but
maybe worth a hint)

Hi Bernd,

Bernd Fischer schrieb:
What is the name prefix for a generic device for a CDL netlist?

Background, I want to LVS a inductor with a center tap, but the
inductor syntax of CDL 'LXX n1 n2 Model' allows only two nodes.
Have you tried the

cdfId->simInfo->auCdl = '( nil
netlistProcedure ansCdlSubcktCall


We use this for Calibre netlisting if a generic device
have to few pins?

(but I haven't done any cabibre work a long time now, but
maybe worth a hint)

no signature

Are you using Assura CDL (avReadCDL) for this Assura LVS?

For subcircuit you could define:
MTN1 QN A vgnd vgnd NM l=LN w=WN m=1
MTP1 vpwr A QN vpwr PM l=LP w=WP m=1
* GND = 0

and use this:
XQT QT QB mtry LN=P1_LD WN=0.64 LP=P1_LD WP=1.32

For other special device, you could mark it as specific name
and use binding file (to map it to layout).

The other way is to force device mapping during schematic dfIIToVldb
as long as you know the device terminal name beforehand.

You could refer to Assura Physical Verification Developer Guide,
Product Version 3.0 Appendix B -Assura and CDL

Hope this could help.


Bernd Fischer <> wrote in message news:<>...
Hey Ralf,

nice to hear form you.

To bring the desired format or terminals in the cdl netlist
is not the problem.
But to make the Assura or other cdl parsers understand that it
is a special or generic device is the problem.
The name prefix
X defines a subcircuit which needs a subcircuit declaration before the call
which I can not give, empty subcircuit declamations like
.SUBCKT mySubCkt term1 term2 term3
will be filtered out by Assura.
The name prefix I doesn't work either, result I does not see the
schematic device in the Assura *.cls file.
the prefix G defines a Voltage-controlled current source and is also
not supported by Assura (form the docs).
I tried to declare my inductor as BJT device but this gives pin swapping
problems which I could not debug till now?

So If you have any further idea let me know.

Thanks Bernd

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