CDL import



I used to import the CDL netlist into DFII schematic.
I obtain a schematic where all the component are on top of each other. If I
do "check and save" on that schematic all the terminal will short together.
The VerilogIn create a real schematic which we can edit.
Can we do the same with cdlIn ??

If you use IC5033 or later, there is a new button on the bottom of the CDLIN
form "Schematic Generation Options" where it will produce a real schematic.
It uses the place & route as used in Verilog-In.

Before that it produces a connectivity database which is not a real schematic
- it has all the connectivity info, but no physical information. In fact
there's a property on the cellView which is supposed to stop you being able to
edit it in Composer...


On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 12:27:58 -0500, "tritue" <> wrote:

I used to import the CDL netlist into DFII schematic.
I obtain a schematic where all the component are on top of each other. If I
do "check and save" on that schematic all the terminal will short together.
The VerilogIn create a real schematic which we can edit.
Can we do the same with cdlIn ??


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