Cdf and pcell. Init value and default value



Hello All,

I have a small question regarding CDF initialization.
I use CDF to have a nice interface for my pcell.

One of my parameter is described like:

cdfCreateParam( cdfId
?name "MyVar"
?prompt "My Variable description"
?defValue MyVarInit
?type "float"
?display "t"
?editable "t"


MyVarInit is setup in another file as MyVarInit = 2

In my pcell, i have:

x1 = -MyVar
y1 = -foo
x2 = MyVar
y2 = foo
dbCreateRect(... )

For MyVar >= MyVarInit, my pcell is ok, the rectangle is create as i
if MyVar < MyVarInit, (for example MyVar = 0.5 ) the rectangle is not
created with the good values!

I don't really understand why.

could you explain me why i can not enter a value lower than the
defvalue please ? I would like to setup the default value for a
transistor as 2 for example, but of course, i need sometimes to have
lowest values...

Of course, i can setup the value to the minimum, and then user will
update himself, but it's not my aim!
(because value = 2 cover 90% of cases, and another value will cover
the missing 10%)

Please help me.

thanks and regards ,

Hi Bubu,

I don't understand any reason why you couldn't do this indeed. It's
very common to set up default values on Pcells which are bigger than
the minimum allowed by the process.
I don't see any reason that prevent you from doing this, execpt a
callback or something else you have set up in your code. I'm pretty
much sure there something wrong hidden in your code.
I have posted an example of Pcell + Cdf a little while back:
The def Values for W,L are respectively 2u,5u. If you instantiate the
Pcell with w=1u and l=2u, then there is nothing that would not let you
doing this. This would work as long as the dbCreateRect could draw the

Are there any details I might ignore and that make your problem
clearer for me ?

Best Regards,
Hello Riad,

Thanks a lot for your answer.
actually, i just realized that i have the following error message:

*Error* eval: undefined function - cdfCreateBaseCellCDF

Maybe it's the root of my problem ?

My code is like this :

;; CDF starts here

CELL = "MyCell"

let( ( libId cellId cdfId )
unless( cellId = ddGetObj( LIBRARY CELL )
error( "Could not get cell %s." CELL )
) ;; unless

when( cdfId = cdfGetBaseCellCDF( cellId )
cdfDeleteCDF( cdfId )
) ;; when

cdfId = cdfCreateBaseCellCDF( cellId )

;; definition of parameters
cdfCreateParam( cdfId...

This pcell works fine in techno A, but not with another techno. So i
think my problem is linked to some Cadence setup (maybe some paths are
missing ?) I don't how to setup Cadence actually !

thanks a lot for your help.


Hi Bubu,

There is something definitely wrong with your cadence setup.
the cdfCreateBaseCellCDF is a built-in cadence that comes with the
cdf.cxt context file of the top of my head ...
The context file should be in your
Linux assumed in here.

Can you please do this check.
fire up a fresh icfb and type in the following in your CIW straight
cdfDump("analogLib" "/tmp/vsin.cdf" ?cellName "vsin")

This should come with a message saying loading cdf.cxt.

Wrap up: you should check the cdf.cxt is correctly loaded into your
session. That's the only explanation I could find for the missing
cdfCreateBaseCellCDF function so far.

Hello Riad,

Indeed, it was a problem of setup. It was really strange, but i fixed
Now, all is fine :)

Thanks a lot for your help !!!!



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