cdb2oa error


Roger Light


I've been getting an error whilst converting libraries to IC 5.x (cdb)
to IC 6.x (openaccess). This post is really just to document it so I can
look it up when I forget in the future and for anybody else with the
same problem.

First off, I have the environment variable "DD_USE_LIBDEFS=NO" set, to
prevent the generation of lib.defs files in IC6. I've also got a
temporary directory set for all libraries, as described in caiuser.pdf:

ASSIGN AllLibs TmpRootDir /my/tmp/path

Running cdb2oa through virtuoso or with the generated run_cdb2oa.csh
produces errors that the library I'm trying to convert is attached to a
technology file that doesn't contain a tech.db, although I can see that
it does.

In the working directory, lib.defs has been created and all of the
libraries have paths that begin with the TmpRootDir set above, so:

DEFINE TECH_C35B4 /my/tmp/path/TECH_C35B4

No wonder the tech.db doesn't exist.

If I remove the lib.def file and comment out the ASSIGN AllLibs line, it
all works fine.


Roger Light wrote, on 01/29/09 17:02:

I've been getting an error whilst converting libraries to IC 5.x (cdb)
to IC 6.x (openaccess). This post is really just to document it so I can
look it up when I forget in the future and for anybody else with the
same problem.

First off, I have the environment variable "DD_USE_LIBDEFS=NO" set, to
prevent the generation of lib.defs files in IC6. I've also got a
temporary directory set for all libraries, as described in caiuser.pdf:

ASSIGN AllLibs TmpRootDir /my/tmp/path

Running cdb2oa through virtuoso or with the generated run_cdb2oa.csh
produces errors that the library I'm trying to convert is attached to a
technology file that doesn't contain a tech.db, although I can see that
it does.

In the working directory, lib.defs has been created and all of the
libraries have paths that begin with the TmpRootDir set above, so:

DEFINE TECH_C35B4 /my/tmp/path/TECH_C35B4

No wonder the tech.db doesn't exist.

If I remove the lib.def file and comment out the ASSIGN AllLibs line, it
all works fine.



I found a similar problem reported, CCR 413973. I believe this was fixed in


in April 2008.

I also found another one (564578) which was fixed in IC6.1.2.500.14 at the end
of July 2008.

In this second case you need to set the UNIX environment variable
CDBOA_IGNORE_ALL_ASSIGN (to any value, I think) to tell it to ignore the ASSIGN

Best Regards,


Andrew Beckett
Senior Solution Architect - Cadence Design Systems Ltd (UK)
On 2009-01-30, Andrew Beckett <andrewb@DcEaLdEeTnEcTe.HcIoSm> wrote:

I found a similar problem reported, CCR 413973. I believe this was fixed in


in April 2008.

I also found another one (564578) which was fixed in IC6.1.2.500.14 at the end
of July 2008.

In this second case you need to set the UNIX environment variable
CDBOA_IGNORE_ALL_ASSIGN (to any value, I think) to tell it to ignore the ASSIGN
I've just got round to trying this again, and setting the
CDBOA_IGNORE_ALL_ASSIGN variable means it all works fine.



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