The Captain
Does anyone know how to handle pins in a PSpice A/D circuit using
CD4000 series IC models.
My specific problem is with the CD4013 dual D type flip flop connected
as a divide by two circuit. I am using + and - 5V supplies, specified
in param as CD4000_VSS = -5V and CD4000_VDD = +10V. However, the S
and R pins need to be connected to circuit earth or equivalent, which,
in this case, is the -5V VSS level, as specified in param.
How do I go about making this connection? I've tried connecting the S
and R pins to a -5V VDC voltage source, but this simply doesn't work -
Q output is near zero volts for all CK inputs.
I'd appreciate any help, as this is holding up a fairly important
project and it's an awkward thing to have to explain to investors!
John Fortier
CD4000 series IC models.
My specific problem is with the CD4013 dual D type flip flop connected
as a divide by two circuit. I am using + and - 5V supplies, specified
in param as CD4000_VSS = -5V and CD4000_VDD = +10V. However, the S
and R pins need to be connected to circuit earth or equivalent, which,
in this case, is the -5V VSS level, as specified in param.
How do I go about making this connection? I've tried connecting the S
and R pins to a -5V VDC voltage source, but this simply doesn't work -
Q output is near zero volts for all CK inputs.
I'd appreciate any help, as this is holding up a fairly important
project and it's an awkward thing to have to explain to investors!
John Fortier