Ed Lee
Anyone want to join me with the DOT discussion?
Whether you agree with me or not,
I can add your usenet ID to the letter to start.
Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
23 CFR Part 680
[Docket No. FHWA-2022-0008
RIN 2125-AG10
U.S. Department of Transportation,
1200 New Jersey Avenue,
SE, Washington, DC 20590
RE: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program
Dear Sir/Madam:
We would like to address the connectivity of DC fast charger.
The Combined Charging System (CCS) is an attempt to upgrade
from AC J1772 with additions of two large DC pins and
depreciating (unused but occupying space) of the two AC pins.
This physical form factor makes the CCS plug unusally large
and expensive (for both plugs and sockets). It is time to
revisit the connector design.
We do not believe that it is necessary to maintain J1772
compatibilty for DC charging. Furthermore, we believe that
it is advantageous to add CAN bus messaging, since the rest
of the vehicles are mostly CAN based.
We are proposing a new connector, while keeping existing one
during the transistory period.
Whether you agree with me or not,
I can add your usenet ID to the letter to start.
Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
23 CFR Part 680
[Docket No. FHWA-2022-0008
RIN 2125-AG10
U.S. Department of Transportation,
1200 New Jersey Avenue,
SE, Washington, DC 20590
RE: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program
Dear Sir/Madam:
We would like to address the connectivity of DC fast charger.
The Combined Charging System (CCS) is an attempt to upgrade
from AC J1772 with additions of two large DC pins and
depreciating (unused but occupying space) of the two AC pins.
This physical form factor makes the CCS plug unusally large
and expensive (for both plugs and sockets). It is time to
revisit the connector design.
We do not believe that it is necessary to maintain J1772
compatibilty for DC charging. Furthermore, we believe that
it is advantageous to add CAN bus messaging, since the rest
of the vehicles are mostly CAN based.
We are proposing a new connector, while keeping existing one
during the transistory period.