CCD camera


Bill Chernoff

I would like to build a high-speed camera, say 500 to 1000 frames/sec. I
wonder if its possible with a CCD chip. Say 320x200 resolution, 8 bits per
pixel, would make a good starting point. Does anybody know of a source of
CCD chips that are available with a demo board? Any other comments on
design issues?

Bill Chernoff
On Mon, 09 May 2005 18:45:48 GMT, in "Bill
Chernoff" <> wrote:

I would like to build a high-speed camera, say 500 to 1000 frames/sec. I
wonder if its possible with a CCD chip. Say 320x200 resolution, 8 bits per
pixel, would make a good starting point. Does anybody know of a source of
CCD chips that are available with a demo board? Any other comments on
design issues?
Yep, whats the data rate, how will you store it. One frame is 64KB!
Thats a lot of data at a continuous digitised rate.
The HDTV camera dudes are playing with flash cards, 8 GB I think, and
this will give 4 mins at normal film frame rates. Not cheap
I did have a couple of urls, but I've lost them, but Sponsored
google found this


After the first death, there is no other.
(Dylan Thomas)
I was only aiming for a few seconds of storage at a time. Maybe into SRAM.
I thought shifting the data out of the CCD into the A/D , and the A/D
conversion time would be the problem .

What is the difference between progressive scan and area scan?


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