case study




Recently I was digging into details of case constructs. After reading LRM
description and BTF issues on case (especially I came to some

Let's consider following:
case (case_expression)
case_item_expr1 : case_item_stmt1;
case_item_expr2 : case_item_stmt2;
default : default_stmt;

First. If case_expression or any of the case item expressions is real, then
the whole case construct is an equivallent of the following if-else-if

real temp;
temp = case_expression;

if (temp == case_item_expr1)
else if (temp == case_item_expr2)

Steven Sharp's summary of case construct ("(...) It is all consistent with
the way operands of any operator work; it is just
an "operator" with a lot of operands in this case.") suggested me that not
only width of expressions but also signedness is coerced according to
standard rules.
If my understanding was valid it would mean that there is no general way to
express case construct with all vector expressions with if-else-if sequence
because there is no way of forcing signedness of expression outside of this
expression (one can easily force size by assigning expression to vector of
appropriate size, but all the ways of affecting signedness involve other
operators which at best convert all high impendance bits to unknowns and
that would make difference for case).
What if some vendors actually did implement case as if-else-if sequence
similar to the above for reals? It is easy to miss the difference and
neither LRM nor any of the comments of BTF issues say explicitely that
signedness is to be coerced between expressions used in case.

There are couple of approaches to the implementation, each seems to be valid
according to LRM and each can give different results.

First is what matches above mentioned suggestion and this is what I actually
- if any expression used in case construct is unsigned then all of them
get coerced to unsigned (of course before they are computed), expressions
are computed and compared as signed only if all of them are signed
There is no equivallent in if-else-if sequence.

Second is an equivallent of the following algorithm:
assign case_expression to the temporary vector of the size of the widest
expression used in case construct; signedness of the temporary vector is
determined by the standard rules, that is, if all expressions used in the
case constructs are signed then temporary is signed, otherwise it is
unsigned; use the temporary and case equality operator (===) to match
consecutive case item expressions in the if-else-if sequence
This approach differs from the first because signedness of the case item
expressions does not influence the way case_expression is evaluated. Case
item expressions, however, do influence each other in terms of signedness
and they are influenced by the signedness of case_expression.

Third is just like the second but signedness of temporary vector used to
keep value of case_expression is determined by signedness of case_expression
only. It means that unlike in second approach case item expressions don't
influence each other in terms of signedness. All case item expressions are
still affected by the signedness of case_expression.

Fourth approach is like third but each case item expression is assigned to
its own temporary vector of the same size as the one for case_expression and
then these temporary vectors are compared. Since they are of the same size
their signedness does not really matter. All expressions used in this
approach are self-determined in terms of signedness.

There may be more approaches but these four is enough.

In order to clarify my doubts on how case construct is supposed to behave
I've used three simulators and a simple test that shows differences between
the above approaches. It seems that VXL follows first approach, NCSim
follows fourth and VCS follows second. My test is really simple and it does
not prove that these tools actually implement it the way I described but it
is enough to show that they differ in the way they handle signedness in case

I know that in real world the differences are not important because
expressions are of the same sizes but it bothers me anyway.

Sleep helps :eek:)

"ABW" <> wrote in message
If my understanding was valid it would mean that there is no general way
express case construct with all vector expressions with if-else-if
because there is no way of forcing signedness of expression outside of
expression (one can easily force size by assigning expression to vector of
appropriate size, but all the ways of affecting signedness involve other
operators which at best convert all high impendance bits to unknowns and
that would make difference for case).
In fact there is a way - conditional operator can be used to force both size
and signedness without negative effect on x/z bits.
Therefore there is a way of expressing first approach to case implementation
as if-else-if sequence.

First is what matches above mentioned suggestion and this is what I
- if any expression used in case construct is unsigned then all of them
get coerced to unsigned (of course before they are computed), expressions
are computed and compared as signed only if all of them are signed
There is no equivallent in if-else-if sequence.

Second is an equivallent of the following algorithm:
assign case_expression to the temporary vector of the size of the widest
expression used in case construct; signedness of the temporary vector is
determined by the standard rules, that is, if all expressions used in the
case constructs are signed then temporary is signed, otherwise it is
unsigned; use the temporary and case equality operator (===) to match
consecutive case item expressions in the if-else-if sequence
This approach differs from the first because signedness of the case item
expressions does not influence the way case_expression is evaluated. Case
item expressions, however, do influence each other in terms of signedness
and they are influenced by the signedness of case_expression.

if-else-if sequence for first approach is the same as for second approach
with only one modification:
in first step instead of assigning case_expression to temporary directly one
has to do such assignment:
temp = 1 ? case_expression : temp;
This way if temp is unsigned then case_expression will be coerced to
unsigned which fills influence of case item expressions on the
case_expression that is missing in second approach.

Of course it does not change the main question: which approach is the intent
of the standard?

"ABW" <> wrote in message news:<ca6hnk$5ai$>...
In fact there is a way - conditional operator can be used to force both size
and signedness without negative effect on x/z bits.
There are some other ways. The only direction you need to force things is
from signed to unsigned, never the other way. You can use the $unsigned()
system function, which will coerce the argument to unsigned without affecting
its value. You could also use a concatenation {value}, since concatenations
are always considered unsigned. A part-select that selects all bits of the
value would also work, since part-selects are also considered unsigned.

First is what matches above mentioned suggestion and this is what I
- if any expression used in case construct is unsigned then all of them
get coerced to unsigned (of course before they are computed), expressions
are computed and compared as signed only if all of them are signed
Clearly, based on my quoted suggestion, this is what I would expect also.

Of course it does not change the main question: which approach is the intent
of the standard?
I will file this as an erratum with the IEEE, and will offer my opinion
that the first approach is the appropriate interpretation. In all other
situations where expressions affect each others' width, they also affect
each others' signedness (with the explicitly stated exception that the
left-hand-side of an assignment affects the width of the right-hand-side,
but not its signedness). The signed arithmetic proposal that ended up in
the standard is also based on an implementation in Verilog-XL, which also
agrees with this.

Unfortunately, this would mean that NC-Verilog is doing it wrong. If so,
I will file this as a bug report.

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