Richard Harris
Just been reading about capacitors and understand the property of
capacitance. The problem is I don't see how this property is of use, many
circuits use capacitors but I don't understand what there role is.
I know capacitors don't allow current to flow through them and that they can
be charged and discharged and that the time taken to charge and dischage can
be calculated. But how are these devices off any real use?
Thanks for ya time guys.
Just been reading about capacitors and understand the property of
capacitance. The problem is I don't see how this property is of use, many
circuits use capacitors but I don't understand what there role is.
I know capacitors don't allow current to flow through them and that they can
be charged and discharged and that the time taken to charge and dischage can
be calculated. But how are these devices off any real use?
Thanks for ya time guys.