capacitor start motors



I found a nice 240V motor with no starting capacitor but with the
description for the required cap printed on it. It said 2 microfarad.
I didn't have one of those to hand, so tried a 15 microfarad, with which
the motor seems to start and run perfectly.
Any harm in keeping on using this capacitor?

"Jordan" <> wrote in message
I found a nice 240V motor with no starting capacitor but with the
description for the required cap printed on it. It said 2 microfarad.
I didn't have one of those to hand, so tried a 15 microfarad, with which
the motor seems to start and run perfectly.
Any harm in keeping on using this capacitor?

If the motor is of the type that switches out the start winding and
Capacitor, 2mf seems on the small side. Those normally use electrolytics 100
mf and upwards dependant on KW.
However there are to found many 'start-run' motors where the start winding
and capacitor stay in circuit (no switchgear) in that type 2 mf would be not
unusual, using a 15 mf in tose would probably damage the start winding.

Regards ..... Rheilly Phoull
had a prob with a desk fan, it needed a
1 uf 400 v ac, i used 2 2uf caps 400v ac
put them in series to make 1uf and worked fine.
or you can put 2 1uf cap in parallal to make 2uf.
make shore thay are ac rated.

"Rheilly Phoull" <> wrote in message
"Jordan" <> wrote in message
I found a nice 240V motor with no starting capacitor but with the
description for the required cap printed on it. It said 2 microfarad.
I didn't have one of those to hand, so tried a 15 microfarad, with which
the motor seems to start and run perfectly.
Any harm in keeping on using this capacitor?


If the motor is of the type that switches out the start winding and
Capacitor, 2mf seems on the small side. Those normally use electrolytics
mf and upwards dependant on KW.
However there are to found many 'start-run' motors where the start winding
and capacitor stay in circuit (no switchgear) in that type 2 mf would be
unusual, using a 15 mf in tose would probably damage the start winding.

Regards ..... Rheilly Phoull

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