can't use window search to find text in vhdl file



I find it odd that the search tool of Windows XP can not search for a
word or phrase in a vhdl file. Say I am looking for the vhdl file that
contains "entity top". In the search windows I type "entity top" in
the "A word or phase in the file:". I am searching in the right
directory. The search tool can not find the phase in a vhdl file. But
if I change the extension of the file to a .txt the search tool was
able to find the file which contained "entity top". Is there a way I
can enable the search tool to search in vhdl files? In the advanced
options I have "All files and Folders" selected in Type of file.

Thanks for the help.
lotruong wrote:

I find it odd that the search tool of Windows XP can not search for a
word or phrase in a vhdl file.
This is an off-topic problem.

Say I am looking for the vhdl file that
contains "entity top". In the search windows I type "entity top" in
the "A word or phase in the file:". I am searching in the right
directory. The search tool can not find the phase in a vhdl file. But
if I change the extension of the file to a .txt the search tool was
able to find the file which contained "entity top".
Search in data: *.* or *.vhd to be quicker
and search for your desired string.

Important is to specify what files have to be searched (*.* or *.vhd). If you don't
specify this, Windows is smart enough to search in Text files (which are recognized by the
extender txt) but too stupid to tell you, that you did not specify your search correctly.


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