Julien Chevalier
I use quartus II 4.00 and SOPC builder 4.00 to build a NIOS system on a
Stratix II board.
I enabled the support for external interruptions, add a user defined IP
connected via the provided avalon ahb bridge.
Everything is ok.
Then I try to use the interruption of the bridge, everything on the wire
is ok until the data_master_irq gets high. The iq number is ok, NIOS
makes a couple of instructions more and then stops on a strange adress
(totallly out of the memory map). but it doesn't fetch the ISR code indeed.
The soft uses nr-installusr and is exactly the same as the examples
I tried whithout any soft isr and initialisation to see if i get the
famous message ... but nothing.
How can I be sure of what is done by the compiler, is there any
restriction that I don't respect ? thanks for all your help and
experience about those interrupts on NIOS systems.
Julien Chevalier
I use quartus II 4.00 and SOPC builder 4.00 to build a NIOS system on a
Stratix II board.
I enabled the support for external interruptions, add a user defined IP
connected via the provided avalon ahb bridge.
Everything is ok.
Then I try to use the interruption of the bridge, everything on the wire
is ok until the data_master_irq gets high. The iq number is ok, NIOS
makes a couple of instructions more and then stops on a strange adress
(totallly out of the memory map). but it doesn't fetch the ISR code indeed.
The soft uses nr-installusr and is exactly the same as the examples
I tried whithout any soft isr and initialisation to see if i get the
famous message ... but nothing.
How can I be sure of what is done by the compiler, is there any
restriction that I don't respect ? thanks for all your help and
experience about those interrupts on NIOS systems.
Julien Chevalier