Kenneth Land
I'm having a problem reading a single one byte register on a Nios/Cyclone
board. I've seen this on the devkit board as well. Every time I read a
single memory location, the Nios is automatically generating reads for the
next 3 locations as well.
This causes bad things to happen when you are reading a location that is
within 3 bytes of a location that does not want to be read.
There doesn't appear to be a setting in the SOPC User Logic GUI. Is there a
..ptf file entry I can edit to stop this behavior?
The UL has 5 address bits, 8 databits, (RD#,WR#,CS#) and is an Avalon Memory
I'm having a problem reading a single one byte register on a Nios/Cyclone
board. I've seen this on the devkit board as well. Every time I read a
single memory location, the Nios is automatically generating reads for the
next 3 locations as well.
This causes bad things to happen when you are reading a location that is
within 3 bytes of a location that does not want to be read.
There doesn't appear to be a setting in the SOPC User Logic GUI. Is there a
..ptf file entry I can edit to stop this behavior?
The UL has 5 address bits, 8 databits, (RD#,WR#,CS#) and is an Avalon Memory