The Lord of Chaos (Suresh
Hello everyone,
I am looking for a job. Here's a copy of my resume
Name : Suresh kumar Devanathan
contact : mdsuresh ___@thing__ media __.thing__ mit __.thing__ edu
Experience : MIT Media Lab
Rutgers CAIP Lab
Awards : AP Scholar With Distinction
Other : Army Reserve
Worked for : Dr. Vishwani Agarwal( IEEE/ACM fellow) on VLSI ATPG
Dr. Edward Fredkin( CMU Distinguished professor) on
Cellular Automata/ SARS-TA
Public Projects:
Built this project, as a PROOF of CONCEPT for statistical
techniques, i developed
to test chips
Patch work for blitz, a highly successful C++ math library
in use, by more than
15000 programmers worldwide
Job Skill : C++, C#, Unix, Cadence Design System, MATLAB, .NET
Education : 3 years of college in Electrical Engineering
Left college to jumpstart a partly successful
I am looking for a job. Here's a copy of my resume
Name : Suresh kumar Devanathan
contact : mdsuresh ___@thing__ media __.thing__ mit __.thing__ edu
Experience : MIT Media Lab
Rutgers CAIP Lab
Awards : AP Scholar With Distinction
Other : Army Reserve
Worked for : Dr. Vishwani Agarwal( IEEE/ACM fellow) on VLSI ATPG
Dr. Edward Fredkin( CMU Distinguished professor) on
Cellular Automata/ SARS-TA
Public Projects:
Built this project, as a PROOF of CONCEPT for statistical
techniques, i developed
to test chips
Patch work for blitz, a highly successful C++ math library
in use, by more than
15000 programmers worldwide
Job Skill : C++, C#, Unix, Cadence Design System, MATLAB, .NET
Education : 3 years of college in Electrical Engineering
Left college to jumpstart a partly successful