Can we change the extracted view?



I use Virtuoso for making layouts and diva rules for verification.
The extracted view of any layout shows some information like attribute,
connectivity, parameter, property, ROD and common. When I change some
parameter (say model name in case of capacitor), it is accepted by the
extracted view. But when I run it using Spectre, it says
"the cell view extracted was modified since last extraction"

Does it mean that I can't change my extracted view or is there any other

Thanks and Regards

Do a edit cell view properties (shift q) in your
extracted view and synchronize your time stamps.


meghna wrote:
I use Virtuoso for making layouts and diva rules for verification.
The extracted view of any layout shows some information like attribute,
connectivity, parameter, property, ROD and common. When I change some
parameter (say model name in case of capacitor), it is accepted by the
extracted view. But when I run it using Spectre, it says
"the cell view extracted was modified since last extraction"

Does it mean that I can't change my extracted view or is there any other

Thanks and Regards
Thanks for replying. Please explain the meaning of 'synchronizing the time

When I do 'shift q', it shows the informations same as I wrote in previous
mail, but only 'property' is highlighted which I can change. (but I want to
change 'paramater', which it doesn't let me to do)

execute following statements in your CIW with your extracted view opened

dbCreateProp(cv,"lastSchematicExtraction" "time" getCurrentTime())


On Fri, 13 May 2005 06:26:57 -0400, meghna wrote:

Thanks for replying. Please explain the meaning of 'synchronizing the time

When I do 'shift q', it shows the informations same as I wrote in previous
mail, but only 'property' is highlighted which I can change. (but I want to
change 'paramater', which it doesn't let me to do)

dbCreateProp(cv,"lastSchematicExtraction" "time" getCurrentTime())
better use dbReplaceProp as this will fail when the property exists already.

In general your comment is valid.

In the case of extracted Reps, this timestamp should always exist.

The concept of editing the extracted rep is a minefield.
The last thing I want (as the builder of extraction decks) is for the
user to edit the extracted rep.
Also it could invalidate any LVS or post layout work I do.

(but as a user, I often want to do this! )

My "Bag-ofTricks"(tm) usually involved customizing the extractor and/or
netlister and/or CDF to get the modelname I want on the extracted device.
I consider it somewhat crude to have to fix it on the extracted rep.
(Mostly because you need to redo it after every extract! )

Even a hacked sed script to modify the netlist seems somewhat cleaner than
editing the extracted view. (At least you could automate the netlist morfing
.... )


- Gerry @

"S. Badel" <> wrote in message
dbCreateProp(cv,"lastSchematicExtraction" "time" getCurrentTime())

better use dbReplaceProp as this will fail when the property exists

G Vandevalk wrote:
In general your comment is valid.

In the case of extracted Reps, this timestamp should always exist.

The concept of editing the extracted rep is a minefield.
The last thing I want (as the builder of extraction decks) is for the
user to edit the extracted rep.
Also it could invalidate any LVS or post layout work I do.

(but as a user, I often want to do this! )

My "Bag-ofTricks"(tm) usually involved customizing the extractor and/or
netlister and/or CDF to get the modelname I want on the extracted device.
I consider it somewhat crude to have to fix it on the extracted rep.
(Mostly because you need to redo it after every extract! )

Even a hacked sed script to modify the netlist seems somewhat cleaner than
editing the extracted view. (At least you could automate the netlist morfing
... )
An extracted view has connectivity information, and when the user modifies and
later saves the view, there is no need to run connectivity extraction. Thus the
connectivity status on an extracted view should be somehow set to always clean.
(can probably be done with triggers).

There is on the one hand what you want as an extraction deck writer, and on
the other hand what Joe user wants as an IC designer. For instance he may want
to answer the question: "what if I would modify the layout to reduce this
parasitic cap by half ?" , he will then edit the props of the parasitic cap,
change the value, and hit the simulate button.
Now, why on earth should things "not work" when he clicks that dam' button ?
Another way to do this :

cv = geGetEditCellView()

Kholdoun TORKI

Guenther Sohler wrote:
execute following statements in your CIW with your extracted view opened

dbCreateProp(cv,"lastSchematicExtraction" "time" getCurrentTime())


On Fri, 13 May 2005 06:26:57 -0400, meghna wrote:

Thanks for replying. Please explain the meaning of 'synchronizing the time

When I do 'shift q', it shows the informations same as I wrote in previous
mail, but only 'property' is highlighted which I can change. (but I want to
change 'paramater', which it doesn't let me to do)

Kholdoun TORKI wrote:
Another way to do this :

cv = geGetEditCellView()
That is a lot cleaner than what I got from the Cadence tech support 1.5
years ago. He had me setting the date 1 year in the future.
Had to fix the extracted because Assura was not joining : nets correctly.

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Thanks for replying. It worked and my problem is solved. :)


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