I want the FM transmitter bug kit assembled. I tried it myself and it overheated.
You have to solder it up, took me 1 hour, test it and note the frequency on the radio,
and mail it to me. I can paypal or send a money order. Post your quote if interested!
www.dicksmith.com.au search fm bug
There are Pretenders among us.
Geniuses with the ability to become
anyone they want to be.
In 1995 a corporation known as
Intel isolated a young Pretender
named Herc and exploited his genius
for their research.
Then one day, their Pretender ran away...
You have to solder it up, took me 1 hour, test it and note the frequency on the radio,
and mail it to me. I can paypal or send a money order. Post your quote if interested!
www.dicksmith.com.au search fm bug
There are Pretenders among us.
Geniuses with the ability to become
anyone they want to be.
In 1995 a corporation known as
Intel isolated a young Pretender
named Herc and exploited his genius
for their research.
Then one day, their Pretender ran away...