Can Parameter tool be convinced to use spectre sweep command


Svenn Are Bjerkem

if I use spectre on the command line, I can use the sweep command to
sweep a parameter. If I want to do the same in ADE, I have to use the
parametric tool for everything but a simple one dimensional dc sweep. My
experience with the parametric tool is that it starts a new simulation
for each iteration, replacing the value of a variable each time. As I am
working in a matrix, each launch has a bit of overhead as the job has
to be farmed off to the grid. By using the sweep command I can finish a
job in 0.1 sec that otherwise take 1 minute, where most of the time is
wasted by finding a suitable computer in the grid.

Hi Svenn,

In IC5033 (I think that's when it changed), you can now do parametric in
paramset mode (I've forgotten what the name of the setting in the parametric
tool is) - this allows you to sweep over a set of rows of parameter values
(i.e. sweep all parameters at once, rather than independently).

When this is done, it uses a sweep of a paramset.

In normal situations, it doesn't use sweep. I wish it did, for the same
reasons as you. Of course, if you're doing a normal simulation, with
spectre.envOpts controlMode set to interactive, it _will_ use the
same simulation session, and is quite quick.

I remember there being a PCR for this - but I think it got marked fixed
when paramset was supported. Personally I think the parametric tool is
overdue a rewrite - I think there's a strong chance that will happen as part
of some current overhaul work that's happening at the moment.

So the simple answer is, no, you can't get it to use a sweep. One option would
be to have an include file with the analyses in, but that rather defeats the
point of there being a UI...



On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:46:27 +0100, Svenn Are Bjerkem <>

if I use spectre on the command line, I can use the sweep command to
sweep a parameter. If I want to do the same in ADE, I have to use the
parametric tool for everything but a simple one dimensional dc sweep. My
experience with the parametric tool is that it starts a new simulation
for each iteration, replacing the value of a variable each time. As I am
working in a matrix, each launch has a bit of overhead as the job has
to be farmed off to the grid. By using the sweep command I can finish a
job in 0.1 sec that otherwise take 1 minute, where most of the time is
wasted by finding a suitable computer in the grid.

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