Dear All,
I've just been let down by a oscillator manufacturer. They
can only make the ordered 3.3V differential LVPECL oscillator parts
work at 5V. Some excuse about their quartz supplier. So, I can't stick
5V PECL into my 3.3V Virtex-E differential input, it's outside the
common mode range. So, I could AC couple it with a couple of caps
after the PECL driver's emitter resistors. I then need to bias the
signal into the common mode range of the VirtexE diff input.
Anybody know if I could somehow activate the internal
pullup resistor on one input and the pulldown on the other to bias the
signal in the middle of the supply? There's already a 100 ohm
termination resistor between the pins. Or, any better ideas?
cheers all, Syms.
p.s. I know I could use more resistors to do this biasing, but the
board layout makes this awkward. The VirtexE is, of course, a BGA.
I've just been let down by a oscillator manufacturer. They
can only make the ordered 3.3V differential LVPECL oscillator parts
work at 5V. Some excuse about their quartz supplier. So, I can't stick
5V PECL into my 3.3V Virtex-E differential input, it's outside the
common mode range. So, I could AC couple it with a couple of caps
after the PECL driver's emitter resistors. I then need to bias the
signal into the common mode range of the VirtexE diff input.
Anybody know if I could somehow activate the internal
pullup resistor on one input and the pulldown on the other to bias the
signal in the middle of the supply? There's already a 100 ohm
termination resistor between the pins. Or, any better ideas?
cheers all, Syms.
p.s. I know I could use more resistors to do this biasing, but the
board layout makes this awkward. The VirtexE is, of course, a BGA.