Can I use a Binarie counter



Can I use a Binarie counter to slow down a dijital signal or a cascade
of them So I may view the signal on my old slow scope.
A binary counter may be used to divide the frequency of a signal, but if
you're concerned about amplitudes, risetimes, falltimes, etc., you really
need to invest in a scope with suitable bandwitdth.

dgmason44 at comcast dot net (Just subsitute the appropriate characters in
the address)

Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time!!
"Eric" <> wrote in message
Can I use a Binarie counter to slow down a dijital signal or a cascade
of them So I may view the signal on my old slow scope.
If you are trying to analyze any digital data other than square waves
with the binary counter you are out of luck. The binary counter's
output will only change with every other change to its input, so you
will know the time between rising or falling edges (counter dependant)
but you will lose the data from every other edge. I tried drawing the
output of a data stream in mspaint, and the output signal was slower,
but looked nothing like the input signal.

"Tweetldee" <> wrote in message news:<HmCOb.95576$na.51104@attbi_s04>...
A binary counter may be used to divide the frequency of a signal, but if
you're concerned about amplitudes, risetimes, falltimes, etc., you really
need to invest in a scope with suitable bandwitdth.

dgmason44 at comcast dot net (Just subsitute the appropriate characters in
the address)

Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time!!
"Eric" <> wrote in message
Can I use a Binarie counter to slow down a dijital signal or a cascade
of them So I may view the signal on my old slow scope.

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