James W
Newbie alert:
With help from this group in the past, I've decided that I'd like to use
a 74HC595 shift register in my relay circuit board.
I'd planned on using the '595 to sink individual 4N26's which in turn
would drive PNP transistors to turn on some relays that require ~150mA
of coil current.
I'm attempting to read the spec specs for the 4N26 and the ~595 and I'm
not clear the '595 can sink enough current per pin to 'light' the LED in
the 4N26
The '595 is spec'd (I believe) to be able to source or sink 6mA per
output pin. However, the 4N26 is spec at 10mA for I-forward... so this
seems to be a no-go.
What do people generally use to 'turn-on' opto's? Was the 4N26 a good
choice for my opto?
Thanks in advance... the reader of this group have been great!
- jim
With help from this group in the past, I've decided that I'd like to use
a 74HC595 shift register in my relay circuit board.
I'd planned on using the '595 to sink individual 4N26's which in turn
would drive PNP transistors to turn on some relays that require ~150mA
of coil current.
I'm attempting to read the spec specs for the 4N26 and the ~595 and I'm
not clear the '595 can sink enough current per pin to 'light' the LED in
the 4N26
The '595 is spec'd (I believe) to be able to source or sink 6mA per
output pin. However, the 4N26 is spec at 10mA for I-forward... so this
seems to be a no-go.
What do people generally use to 'turn-on' opto's? Was the 4N26 a good
choice for my opto?
Thanks in advance... the reader of this group have been great!
- jim