Can I degauss my TV with a magnet?


Nick Alexander

I have got some green patches on my TV since I moved my speakers too close
to the tube. Can I use a magnet to get rid of the colours?

Nick Alexander
NO. A permanent magnet will end up making the fault worse, and if strong
enough, it can do permanent damage. An AC or alternating field is required.
There are hand held degassing coils that are made for manually degassing
tubes. When a new CRT is installed, it is common practice to manually
degaussed it before doing the initial purity and convergence alignment.

The internal degaussing coil should do the job of demagnetizing the CRT mask
if it is working properly, the purity alignment is okay, and the mask is not



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Nick Alexander" <> wrote in message
I have got some green patches on my TV since I moved my speakers too close
to the tube. Can I use a magnet to get rid of the colours?

Nick Alexander
"Nick Alexander" <> writes:

I have got some green patches on my TV since I moved my speakers too close
to the tube. Can I use a magnet to get rid of the colours?
In principle this is possible and I have used it in a pinch but the
proper AC degaussing coil approach is much easier.

See the CRT FAQ: .

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Sam Goldwasser wrote:
"Nick Alexander" <> writes:

I have got some green patches on my TV since I moved my speakers too close
to the tube. Can I use a magnet to get rid of the colours?

In principle this is possible and I have used it in a pinch but the
proper AC degaussing coil approach is much easier.
In the olden days (as my grand daughter refers to them :)
a Weller gun worked quite well if you you were without
a coil...

On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 17:11:30 +1200, Nick Alexander
<> wrote:
I have got some green patches on my TV since I moved my speakers too close
to the tube. Can I use a magnet to get rid of the colours?

Nick Alexander
If I may presume to clarify Jerry and Sam's wisdom, you use
the internal degausser when you turn the power on, so turn your
set off and on a couple of times!

John E. Todd <>

Note: Ensure correct polarity prior to connection.
ajb <> writes:

Yes, dangerous but possible. You use the old watchmaker's technique - a
strong horse-shoe magnet mounted on the end of a hand-drill to spin it

As Sam says, "in a pinch".... and indeed I have used this method. But I
wouldn't advise it any more.
And, as most of us neglected to mention the first time, just power cycling
the TV a few times (30 minutes off, 1 minute on) will likely clear it up
by activating the built-in degausser. Or, just wait a few days and this
will happen automagically.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Home Page:
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contact me, please use the feedback form on the S.E.R FAQ Web sites.
On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 17:11:30 +1200, "Nick Alexander"
<> wrote:

I have got some green patches on my TV since I moved my speakers too close
to the tube. Can I use a magnet to get rid of the colours?

Nick Alexander

Are the speakers still too close? If they are, then the problem isn't
going to go away. You need shielded speakers if you want them that

If this is a leftover from exposure to the speakers, then the normal
degaussing mechanism built-in to the TV may take care of this. Might
take several power cycles - wait several minutes between each cycle
for the coil/ptc to cool down otherwise you won't be getting much in
the way of field strength. Or just wait a few days of normal usage


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