Kevin Simonson
I\'ve written a piece of code with inputs (left) and (right) and output (result), each of which operand is a single bit, which returns a logical one in (result) if (left) has the same value as (right), and returns a logical zero otherwise. My code is:
Once again, I\'m fully aware that there\'s a much simpler way to design an Equals circuit than this; again this is a simplification of a problem I\'m having in more complex code. Anyhow, I run the Icarus simulator on this and get:
Can anyone tell me why the simulator is balking at line 16, where local parameter (specs) is declared? Any information anyone can give me on these compilation errors would be greatly appreciated.
module ModGc ( result, left, right);
output result;
input left, right;
typedef enum { L_NOT, L_NAND, L_NOR } GateType;
typedef struct packed
{ GateType gateTp;
integer out;
integer inLow;
integer inHigh;
} LogGate;
localparam integer nmGates = 4;
localparam integer poolSize = 6;
localparam LogGate specs [ nmGates:1]
wire pool [ poolSize:1];
genvar ix;
specs[ 1].gateTp = L_NOR ; specs[ 1].out = 4; specs[ 1].inLow = 2; specs[ 1].inHigh = 3;
specs[ 2].gateTp = L_NOT ; specs[ 2].out = 5; specs[ 2].inLow = 4; specs[ 2].inHigh = 0;
specs[ 3].gateTp = L_NAND; specs[ 3].out = 6; specs[ 3].inLow = 2; specs[ 3].inHigh = 3;
specs[ 4].gateTp = L_NOR ; specs[ 4].out = 1; specs[ 4].inLow = 5; specs[ 4].inHigh = 6;
assign pool[ 2] = left;
assign pool[ 3] = right;
for (ix = 1; ix <= nmGates; ix = ix + 1)
case (specs[ ix].gateTp)
: not ntx( pool[ specs[ ix].out], pool[ specs[ ix].inLow]);
: nand nax( pool[ specs[ ix].out], pool[ specs[ ix].inLow], pool[ specs[ ix].inHigh]);
: nor nox( pool[ specs[ ix].out], pool[ specs[ ix].inLow], pool[ specs[ ix].inHigh]);
assign result = pool[ 1];
D:\\Hf\\Verilog\\Unpacked\\Common>\\Icarus\\bin\\iverilog -g2009 -o ModGc.out ModGc.sv
ModGc.sv:16: sorry: cannot currently create a parameter of type \'LogGate\' which was defined at: ModGc.sv:7.
ModGc.sv:16: syntax error
ModGc.sv:16: error: syntax error localparam list.