Caller ID converter



Dear clever folks;

I live in Denmark have a bought a fine American telephone.
The Caller ID function doesn't work, since we use a different system
here. (America uses Bellcore FSK, Denmark uses DMTF).

I have now in Google found the following device hat should cure the

The Artech EX 220 Caller ID converter.

But where can you by the damn thing ? I have spent a long time
seaching, but can't find a retailer anywhere on earth..

I have been to Artech's main page , but I can't
figure out how to order.l have written Artech, but so far no reply.
They obviously do not want to sell their products :)

Any ideas of how to buy or suggestions for a similar product ?

Mr. Allisons delightful post fortunately helped me realize that my message
may not have been simple and clear enough as to be understood by everybody,
so I would like to add:

It is a wireless phone and the caller ID is within the handset. I would
like to see who is calling where-ever I have the handset, for example at the
other end of the house or in the garden (far away from my old standalone
DMTF ID-caller unit). Thus the new phone's built-in caller-ID display is
unusable here, since the caller ID system her in Denmark is DMTF, as opposed
to Bellcore FSK system of the new phone. The difference in Caller ID systems
in different countries is the reason why converters exist, and also why the
configuration of IP-adapters like for example Sipura and Grandstream 486
have an option for selecting the relevant Caller ID-system. But I mostly use
this new phone for traditional landline calls that does not go through the
IP-adapter's configuration system, and thus those calls go unaffected by the
adapters settings.

So if someone knows how to solve this, be it with information about where to
buy the converter or other, I would be grateful.


"Phil Allison" <> skrev i en meddelelse
"aa" <

Dear clever folks;

** Pocket pisser......

I live in Denmark have a bought a fine American telephone.

** Really.

How fucking amazing !!!!

Some Saab paddling wop buys a Yankee model phone that is ILLEGAL to use in

The Caller ID function doesn't work, since we use a different system
here. (America uses Bellcore FSK, Denmark uses DMTF).

** Huh ?

Caller ID works independently of the phone.

Get a display unit for a few Krone anywhere ....

........ Phil
It may have been my expression "fine American phone" that annoyed some
people. All I wanted to say is that it is an attractivly designed wireless
phone with several great functions like answering machine etc. and that it's
caller ID system is the same one as they use in USA. All in order to
pinpoint the problem. I do not automatically relate "fine" to "America" nor
do I have prejudges against America, although I strongly oppose to many
stupidities being committed "over there", especially over the last 3 years.

And by the way, the (General Electric) phone was bought in Venezuela, who's
president Hugo Chávez is driving Bush and Condolezza Rice mad.. That
certainly warms my heart ! :)

How do I get the converter ?


"Alf Katz" <> skrev i en
meddelelse news:43995eb9$0$20235$
The Caller ID function doesn't work, since we use a different system
here. (America uses Bellcore FSK, Denmark uses DMTF).

** Huh ?

Caller ID works independently of the phone.

Well, if the phone has a display and is set up to receive Bell 202
(probable) or V.23 (which are usually interoperable - if the filters
aren't too selective) it won't be able to display the DTMF caller ID they
use in some scandinavian countries. Yepp, the separate display will work,
but it won't display on his "fine American phone", the converter will.

"aa" = top posting, law breaking, Saab paddling total fool.
Mr. Allisons delightful post fortunately helped me realize that my message
may not have been simple and clear enough as to be understood by
everybody, so I would like to add:

It is a wireless phone and the caller ID is within the handset.

** As I pretty much expected .

So it is ** DOUBLY ** illegal to use it in Denmark.

It is not approved for the Danish phone network and it is not approved as a
phone linked radio transmitting device in Denmark either.

.......... Phil
"aa" <>
It may have been my expression "fine American phone" that annoyed some

** Nah - it was the fact you are such a smug and arrogant bloody idiot.

All I wanted to say is that it is an attractivly designed wireless phone
with several great functions like answering machine etc. and that it's
caller ID system is the same one as they use in USA. All in order to
pinpoint the problem. I do not automatically relate "fine" to "America"
nor do I have prejudges against America, although I strongly oppose to
many stupidities being committed "over there", especially over the last 3

** What sort of madness makes you think the phone was actually made in the
USA ????

And by the way, the (General Electric) phone was bought in Venezuela,
who's president Hugo Chávez is driving Bush and Condolezza Rice mad.. That
certainly warms my heart ! :)

** So NOW we find it is only approved for the ** Venezuela ** phone system
and radio spectrum regulations !!!!

This Grate Dane's lunacy just gets better and better !!!!!!

How do I get the converter ?

** Try Googling one up - fool.

........... Phil
** Nah - it was the fact you are such a smug and arrogant bloody idiot.
Ok. Now I understand.

** What sort of madness makes you think the phone was actually made in
the USA ????
I never said it was made in USA.
Many Italian cars are not made in Italy etc, etc.
By the way, what makes you think I drive Saab ?

How do I get the converter ?

** Try Googling one up - fool.
As I suggested in my very first post, I have had no luck in doing do.
To prove you are not a fool yourself, then please see if you can find the
detailed info about purchasing a converter for me.
If you can't, then that makes 2 of us...
i suggest you killfile the tosspot who is insulting you and start again.
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Eric" <> wrote in message
How could that be I understand you first posting better
than I understand
this on

** Baaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh ....... baaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

I don't seem to get Mr. Allisons postings any more I
wonder why??

** LOL - this Eric sheep shagger never got them at any

He must of got up my tit once before,



.......... Phil

Such eloquent use of the English language as normal.


Philthy have you considered getting into the Guinness Book
of World Records for the most hated and Killfiled person in
UseNet history? Worth a go as you would actually end up
with a documented and recognised achievement.

"Jasen Betts" <> wrote in message
On 2005-12-11, Eric <> wrote:
It is a wireless phone and the caller ID is within the handset. I would
like to see who is calling where-ever I have the handset, for example at
other end of the house or in the garden (far away from my old standalone
DMTF ID-caller unit). Thus the new phone's built-in caller-ID display is
unusable here, since the caller ID system her in Denmark is DMTF, as
to Bellcore FSK system of the new phone. The difference in Caller ID
in different countries is the reason why converters exist, and also why

DMTF what's that?


I daresay you mean BPSK??

"Jasen Betts" <> wrote in message
On 2005-12-11, Eric <> wrote:
It is a wireless phone and the caller ID is within the handset. I would
like to see who is calling where-ever I have the handset, for example at
other end of the house or in the garden (far away from my old standalone
DMTF ID-caller unit). Thus the new phone's built-in caller-ID display is
unusable here, since the caller ID system her in Denmark is DMTF, as
to Bellcore FSK system of the new phone. The difference in Caller ID
in different countries is the reason why converters exist, and also why

DMTF what's that?
I think he means DTMF - Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
DPSK - Differential Phase Shift Keying


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