Call SKILL function when simulation completes

I wish to call a SKILL function (and ultimately an external script)
when an Eldo simulation completes - I am using ADE with Mentor Artist
Link to integrate Eldo. I have tried setting postFunc on the
asiRunSimulation flowchart step but this calls the script as soon as
the job has been submitted rather than on completion. Adding another
flowchart step after the asiRunSimulation step doesn't seem to work.

Anyway, I wondered if there was a straightforward way of triggering a
SKILL function when simulation completes.


Hi Phil,

I have no experience with the flow Chart changes
(asiChangeFlowchartStep ...) myself and I'm not gonna help you on this
I'm afraid. But awaiting for Cadence's experts on this topic, I'd like
to propose a little workaround. It is a simple as running your
simulation using an ocean scripts and then launch an ipcBeginProcess()
after the run(). That said, I'll give it a quick go with the
postProcess you've described once in front of my workstation (sometime
this week one I have some spare time).

Good luck anyway !

Riad KACED wrote, on 08/18/08 00:02:
Hi Phil,

I have no experience with the flow Chart changes
(asiChangeFlowchartStep ...) myself and I'm not gonna help you on this
I'm afraid. But awaiting for Cadence's experts on this topic, I'd like
to propose a little workaround. It is a simple as running your
simulation using an ocean scripts and then launch an ipcBeginProcess()
after the run(). That said, I'll give it a quick go with the
postProcess you've described once in front of my workstation (sometime
this week one I have some spare time).

Good luck anyway !

Late reply...

You can't do this with flowchart steps, because the flowchart only takes you as
far as simulation start - not simulation completion.

There are enhancement requests for triggers upon simulation completion - if you
want this, contact customer support, and a duplicate request can be filed,
increasing the likelihood of it happening sooner rather than later.

Another possibility if you want to run some UNIX script after simulation
completion is to set the "simExecName" cdsenv setting:

spectre.envOpts simExecName string "spectre"

If you change this to be a script, you can use your script to run spectre, then
do your postprocessing.


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