Call for Papers

Call for Papers

The Intelligent Systems Society (ISS) is a new organization formed to
give students the opportunity to increase their ability, knowledge and
talent in the field of Intelligent Systems. The society also aims to
promote research in the field of intelligent systems while creating
opportunities for researchers to showcase their original work and
network with other researchers having similar ideas.

As part of the ongoing launch activities, ISS is aiming to launch a new
peer reviewed periodical called the Intelligent Systems Society Journal
of Robotics Research.


For the inaugural issue of the ISS Journal of Robotics Research authors
are encouraged to submit papers related to the following topics:

1. Control.
2. Modeling and simulation of robots and intelligent systems.
3. Manipulation, grasping, and dexterous hands.
4. Design of robotic mechanisms.
5. Mathematical and computational issues in robotics.
6. Intelligent robotic instrumentation and measurement.
7. Vision and other non-contact sensors.
8. Tactile and other contact sensing systems.
9. Sensor integration, fusion, and perception.
10. Mechatronics.
11. Teleoperation and telerobotics.
12. Robot motion planning, path and trajectory planning, localization
and navigation.
13. Mobile and autonomous robotics.
14. Humanoid robots.
15. Micro- and nano-robotics.
16. Cellular, distributed, and cooperating robotics.
17. Applications of robotics.
18. Neural networks and fuzzy systems.
19. Human-robot interface, integration and interaction.
20. Advanced programming languages and software development
environments for robotics.
21. Unmanned and autonomous aerial, underwater, space and ground

The above mentioned topics however are by no means the limits to which
the journal will be constrained.

Publication of Papers:
All accepted papers will be published in electronic form on a CD. These
papers will also be available in the digital library of ISS. A print
version of the journal will be considered if there is sufficient

Submission of Papers:
Please submit the papers in double-column PDF (preferred) or postscript
format via email to The cover page of the paper
should include the title; all authors' names, affiliations and
addresses; name of author to contact for correspondence; email address
and fax number of contact; up to 5 keywords to describe the paper.

In case of an inability to submit the papers via email please contact:

Anuj Sehgal
Vice President, Intelligent Systems Society
505 W Madison Ave #8, El Cajon, CA 92020

Phone: +1 (619) 938 2017

Please note that each submission will be reviewed under the following
specific headings:
1. Originality of concept(s).
2. Clarity of presentation.
3. Relevance to the subject.
4. Technical merit.
5. Importance of results.

Also, please make sure that papers are put through extensive
grammatical and spelling checks.

Important Deadlines:
Submission of Papers: January 1, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: February 28, 2006
Final Submission: March 15, 2006
So what, we write up all we know, give it to you, and you sell it, right?

mark jb wrote:
So what, we write up all we know, give it to you, and you sell it, right?


Nah! He's just low on toilet paper again.


Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Welcome to

