Cadence virtouso layout and Mentor calibre DRC



Hello all

I am working on cadence virtouso for some layout. I am using ST 90nm
technology for this. after the layout I dont have Diva files to check
for the DRC so I am using mentors Calibre for the same.

Now for this i am converting the layout into .gui file and following
steps for the DRC ( Calibre) I always get errors no matter how small
my layout may be, I even tried to check for some already exiting ST
90nm files. to my wonder there are errors in this alos. Now I dont
wheter this is correct method to check for the errors using mentor
calibre for a cadence layout.

so can any one suggest me whther the method i am following for DRC is
correct else if there is some other method for design error check,
please let me know. Ur help will greatly appreciated .

thank u very much in advance


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