cadence to oa

I was able to generate the oa layout file using strm2oa binary. Thanks
very much. I wanted to verify if the conversion was proper, so I did
oa2strm and imported the gds file to cadence and all the geometry were
fine, expect that it did not have any layer information (like metal1,
poly etc), as i had not attached any technology file or layer map

So next time I attached the tech file and layer map (layer map file
was the same file used to export to gds in cadence) and it seemed to
work. When I checked the OA API, the oa layer map file was different
and i dont know what I did was correct. Also when I attach the tech
file during these conversion process, does the tech file get exported
too?, I am asking this if I wanted to work the oa file on my PC with
OpenAccess do I need to have tech file in my PC as well. Thanks



doesn any one know, how to export my layout file to .oa?

nav wrote, on 03/18/08 22:58:
doesn any one know, how to export my layout file to .oa?

From what tool? If you're using IC61X, then saving the database will produce an
OA database. If you have a cdb database from IC5141, you can use cdb2oa to
convert it to an OA equivalent.


Thanks very much for the reply. We are using IC5141. I tried to look
for cdb2oa, I couldn't find it in "/pkgs/cadence5/IC5141/tools.sun4v/
dfII/bin and /pkgs/cadence5/IC5141/tools/dfII/bin". Am I looking at
the wrong place?. Please do let me know. And is there any docs on

Thanks again
On Mar 19, 11:40 am, navs <> wrote:
Thanks very much for the reply. We are using IC5141. I tried to look
for cdb2oa, I couldn't find it in "/pkgs/cadence5/IC5141/tools.sun4v/
dfII/bin and /pkgs/cadence5/IC5141/tools/dfII/bin". Am I looking at
the wrong place?. Please do let me know. And is there any docs on
You'll have a lot more luck looking for it in an OA installation.
Like IC61.

I did look for it OA installation folder, couldn't find it. Also I
tried to convert it in "Conversion tools" from CIW window, gave error
saying it couldn't find cdb2oa. Is there something needs to be done or
installed? I am a student and working on OpenAccess. Thanks

navs wrote:
I did look for it OA installation folder, couldn't find it. Also I
tried to convert it in "Conversion tools" from CIW window, gave error
saying it couldn't find cdb2oa. Is there something needs to be done or
installed? I am a student and working on OpenAccess. Thanks

5.1.41 is a CDB only version. So you can't use an OA database with it.
6.1.X is on OA. It can't handle CDB databases.
To transfer your CDB database to OA you should use the translator "cdb2oa" from
the 6.1.X installation.

On Mar 19, 10:51 pm, navs <> wrote:
I did look for it OA installation folder, couldn't find it.

If you're looking for it in an IC61 installation, that's where it is.
If it's not there, the installation is broken and we can't help you.

Your answer to Andrew called out an installation dir THAT WAS

I couldn't find it in "/pkgs/cadence5/IC5141/
So I am (still) assuming that you don't yet understand the
fine points of CDNS's transition to OA. Get a fresh, complete
install of IC61, and cdb2oa will be there. If for some reason you
can't do that (say, for example, your university doesn't have
access to IC61 installation media), then we can't help you.

So I am (still) assuming that you don't yet understand the
fine points of CDNS's transition to OA. Get a fresh, complete
install of IC61, and cdb2oa will be there. If for some reason you
can't do that (say, for example, your university doesn't have
access to IC61 installation media), then we can't help you.
Isn't the OA flavor of IC5141, stream-coded ICOA, available anymore ?

Aren't there also standalone OA streams available ? I'm pretty sure I saw some.

"S. Badel" <> writes:

So I am (still) assuming that you don't yet understand the fine points
of CDNS's transition to OA. Get a fresh, complete install of IC61, and
cdb2oa will be there. If for some reason you can't do that (say, for
example, your university doesn't have access to IC61 installation
media), then we can't help you.

Isn't the OA flavor of IC5141, stream-coded ICOA, available anymore ?
It is no more supported. IC5141 was OA 2.0 so it probably wouldn't help

Aren't there also standalone OA streams available ? I'm pretty sure I saw
I don't understand what you mean by standalone OA streams? From IC 6.1.0
upwards is OA only, leaving time to make the switch from CDB to OA is,
AFAIK, the only reason for which 5.1.41 is still supported.


Hi Nav & All,

IC 5.1.41 comes with an OA stream as well.
I'm using the following version :
icfb -V --> @(#)$CDS: icfb.exe version 5.1.2 11/21/2005 23:04
(cicln03) $
icfb -W --> sub-version 5.12.41_USR3.27.30

To check whether your stream is CDBA or OA, you have just to type in
the following command into your unix prompt :
UNIX > getDBType
--> This will return : OPENACCESS for the above case.

When I switch to cadence, the getDBType unix command
returns : CDBA

So if your IC5 stream is an OA, you should find the cdb2oa script in
your CDS instal dir :
This is an example of what I have in my case :


The problem with this version of IC5 is that the supported OA version
is 2.0 and not 2.2.
When typing the following skill command into the CIW :
--> I get : "@(#)$OpenAccess: 02.00 s135 10/27/05 14:17 (cds125713) $"

So if you pass through this IC 5, you most likely need to run a cdb2oa
and then dfIIoa20222 to convert your OA 2.0 into OA 2.2
My IC6/cdb2oa/dfIIoa20222 experience is very weak so I prefer to let
other folks to share their experience.

Do yourself a big favor and skip 5.12
Do the translation from a 6.1 install

If you have a sourceLink account, go there and search for
IC 6.1 Migration

There you will find (or in the online help cdsdoc)
CDB to OpenAccess Translator User Guide.

plan to spend some quality time with the manual :)

actually for a design database it is pretty straight forward.
Hi all,

Thanks very much for the inputs, its been of great help. I really
appreciate it. The university might have sourceLink account, need to
talk to the concerned people. In the mean time i did
Unix> getDBType and returned CDBA, and i dont find cdb2oa under /
dfII/"hierarchy", its pretty much clear that the icfb version doesn't
support OA. But the installation directory has OA directory with
regular oa binaries like lef2oa, oa2lef, verilog2oa etc., isn't it
possible to get a oa file with the help of these binaries?

On Mar 22, 12:02 am, navs <> wrote:
support OA. But the installation directory has OA directory with
regular oa binaries like lef2oa, oa2lef, verilog2oa etc., isn't it
possible to get a oa file with the help of these binaries?
No. not really. What you're seeing is the bin directory of a
Cadence OpenAccess installation.

For products that read/write OA, what Cadence does is give
you an installation of OpenAccess libraries, plus some stand-
alone utilities. This is what you're seeing.

Then in turn, you install the product in question, (Virtuoso, or
PVS, or SOC Encounter) and it points at the OA installation.

Depending on how you install, the OA part of the might
happen more or less automagically, but that is still what's
going on under the hood.

I guess if you're clever, you could use strm2oa to generate
OA layout, but I don't think that's what you're trying to do.

what I am trying to do is integrate a open source 3D viewer with
OpenAccess and view the layout 3-Dimensionally. Now for that i need a
oa layout file, so i thought best way to go about that would be to
generate a oa file with cadance, so that I can verify the end result.

On Mar 25, 4:48 pm, navs <> wrote:
what I am trying to do is integrate a open source 3D viewer with
OpenAccess and view the layout 3-Dimensionally. Now for that i need a
oa layout file, so i thought best way to go about that would be to
generate a oa file with cadance,
Well, if you can't locate an IC61 installation, but do have
a GDSII file with the data you're interested in, you should
be able to use strm2oa. Just run 'strm2oa -help'.

You could even download a fairly fresh OpenAccess installation
(and hopefully documentation?) from

I think you sign up for a guest account. You want one of
the "General Release" packages.

Welcome to

