I was able to generate the oa layout file using strm2oa binary. Thanks
very much. I wanted to verify if the conversion was proper, so I did
oa2strm and imported the gds file to cadence and all the geometry were
fine, expect that it did not have any layer information (like metal1,
poly etc), as i had not attached any technology file or layer map
So next time I attached the tech file and layer map (layer map file
was the same file used to export to gds in cadence) and it seemed to
work. When I checked the OA API, the oa layer map file was different
and i dont know what I did was correct. Also when I attach the tech
file during these conversion process, does the tech file get exported
too?, I am asking this if I wanted to work the oa file on my PC with
OpenAccess do I need to have tech file in my PC as well. Thanks
very much. I wanted to verify if the conversion was proper, so I did
oa2strm and imported the gds file to cadence and all the geometry were
fine, expect that it did not have any layer information (like metal1,
poly etc), as i had not attached any technology file or layer map
So next time I attached the tech file and layer map (layer map file
was the same file used to export to gds in cadence) and it seemed to
work. When I checked the OA API, the oa layer map file was different
and i dont know what I did was correct. Also when I attach the tech
file during these conversion process, does the tech file get exported
too?, I am asking this if I wanted to work the oa file on my PC with
OpenAccess do I need to have tech file in my PC as well. Thanks