Cadence Skill Course

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Hello all,

Can somebody give someinfo on the Cadence skill course.
1)When it will be.
2)Where it will be.
3)Whether its individual interest to attend or depends on the
company's interest.
4)Whether it is welcome for all.

Thanks in advance,
Hi Sridhar,

Log on to cadence's web and you would find what you need. There is a
quick link.
I guess your local Cadence Customer Support would be able to help you
on this as well.

Will the training make you better and more efficient ? Yes, it is
aimed to and there is plenty of good stuff to learn. But in actual
fact, it's really up to you.

Hi Riad,

Thanks four your reply,
I could get some of the training courses on skill.
But I think it's too heavy , I can see the price as
2000$. Does cadence doesnot conduct any course for
As you have attended the course , how different is this training
did they teach something else which is not thier in the huge cadence

Sridhar. wrote, on 01/23/09 05:39:
Hi Riad,

Thanks four your reply,
I could get some of the training courses on skill.
But I think it's too heavy , I can see the price as
2000$. Does cadence doesnot conduct any course for
As you have attended the course , how different is this training
did they teach something else which is not thier in the huge cadence


Cadence is a business, so needs to cover costs. That's why training isn't free
and the software isn't free!

The point of training is not necessarily to teach you things that couldn't be
found in the documentation - all the functions taught will of course be
documented. The point is to go through practical examples, and have a lecturer
to explain things and answer questions when things aren't clear. It's exactly
the same as if you were to compare university or school lecturing versus reading
it from a book - you _could_ read it in a book, but the likelihood is that it
would take you longer to discover everything, and you wouldn't have anyone to
ask questions when anything is unclear.

You also get the time to do various lab exercises, which set you challenges to
solve particular problems, reinforcing what you're learning. For many people it
is the fact that by being in a class, you have to focus on it, rather than
getting distracted by your everyday work.

As somebody who teaches the SKILL class, I think it's quite an effective class,
and it gives a good introduction to the language, and its applications, as well
as finding your way around the database, creating user interfaces, and so on.


Thanks Andrew for making me to understand the things.
I will surely try to attend one of the courses , by interacting with
my boss at correct time.
On Thu, 22 Jan 2009, wrote:

I could get some of the training courses on skill.
But I think it's too heavy , I can see the price as
2000$. Does cadence doesnot conduct any course for
Not from Cadence. Remember, you get what you pay for... However, there
are tutorials online if you are looking for bare basics.

I would assume that you have at least some programming experience, just
not with skill. As such, learning the syntax and commands would be your
only major problem. Do you have any existing skill programs onsite that
you could use as reference? If you do, you might be able to read some
existing code, and try to figure out what it's doing. Individual commands
can be looked up on Google.

Even though this method costs nothing up front, the loss of productivity
associated with your personal time would make sense only if you have to
code once in a blue moon rather then on a regular basis. I was forced to
take this route. Trust me, the class would have definitly been easier.
On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 21:39:03 -0800 (PST), ""
<> wrote:

Hi Riad,

Thanks four your reply,
I could get some of the training courses on skill.
But I think it's too heavy , I can see the price as
2000$. Does cadence doesnot conduct any course for
As you have attended the course , how different is this training
did they teach something else which is not thier in the huge cadence

2000USD is to much when have in mind that the software cost
4 farms + spaceshuttle :).

The skill syntax is a LISP syntax, and You need from that to learn
about the diferent Cadence commands. We did install the complete
Allegro PCB package and here we have a folder under share/doc
that contains a skull user manual and a folder containing a skill
language reference.

Go Google learn about list and read Your manuals, the do some
test skill. If still lost go to

They have a little "library" of aprrox 400k zip'ed skills, going
through these, will give you some guidings and save 2000 USD :).

Welcome to

