Cadence 5.14 support until 12/2009 ? (for Beckett-san and ot




I have a question for Cadence expert.

I heard today that Cadence will stop the support of version 5.10 at
the end of 2009. Is it true ?

It means we have to migrate anyway to version 6 ?

If so, i have some questions :

~ What are the benefits of version 6 compared to version 5 ?
~ There is no issue to translate the database from CDBA to Open
Access ?
~ Is upgrade to version 6 free of fees ?
~ Are Skill functions compatible? (i think so, but i prefer to be
~ What about pipo, si , and so on ?

thanks a lot for your lights.

Best Regards,

You will find answers to most of your questions in the IC6 adoption
(this site is now really hard to find from sourcelink mainpage ... way
to go Cadence!)
SourceLink Home --> Design Topics --> IC 6.1 Adoption -->
Introduction to IC 6.1 Adoption --> Welcome to the IC 6.1 Adoption

Some answers you won't find there:

1) upgrade is not free. You will notice some licenses don't carry
forwards (EOL). Some new licenses are required. You will get a blast
hearing that license 111 is needed to read from the database. Yes I
said READ !
2) many skill functions are not compatible. Use the adoption page to
guide you
3) pipo has been replaced by Xstream. It is blazing fast !!!

Nicolas wrote, on 12/10/08 14:32:
You will find answers to most of your questions in the IC6 adoption
(this site is now really hard to find from sourcelink mainpage ... way
to go Cadence!)
SourceLink Home --> Design Topics --> IC 6.1 Adoption --
Introduction to IC 6.1 Adoption --> Welcome to the IC 6.1 Adoption

Some answers you won't find there:

1) upgrade is not free. You will notice some licenses don't carry
forwards (EOL). Some new licenses are required. You will get a blast
hearing that license 111 is needed to read from the database. Yes I
said READ !
2) many skill functions are not compatible. Use the adoption page to
guide you
3) pipo has been replaced by Xstream. It is blazing fast !!!

For customers with ongoing agreements, moving to IC61 licenses is a
straightforward thing (the product numbers have changed, but there is an easy
upgrade task). If you're not on maintenance, then obviously you can't move to
the newer version.

Most SKILL functions are compatible, and a relatively small number require some
code changes.

There are LOTs of new features in IC61X - you should speak to your account team
who I'm sure can arrange a demo. Or you can look at the What's New parts of the
documentation (under the new help tool, cdnshelp).

License 111 is indeed used to control access to the framework. However, since
this is bundled with all tools that need it, it's pretty unusual to run out of
them. In fact, it's a return to something that used to happen a few years ago.
Since there is in fact a lot of functionality you can do without needing any of
the editors, it's reasonable that Cadence IP should be protected somehow. A chip
manufacturer wouldn't give away their chips just because someone was only going
to use part of the functionality, not all...


Andrew Beckett
Senior Solution Architect - Cadence Design Systems Ltd (UK)

Welcome to

