Magic Mushroom Farmer
Hey I need to conduct 12VDC @ 130 AMP over 300-400m with minimal loss
and expense.(we all need to do this right?)
I have discovered that I may need some seriously heavy duty cable for
my power station.
Basics are understood that DC was no good for long runs therefore AC is
7 to 12 miles for DC dose not ring bells!?
Is It dumb to try to transport DC over such a distance?
What loss can I expect provided I can find a matching cable specific to
my requirments.?roughly(have been googling,but looking for been there
What Cable has been used in the past for this type of
application......at a guess would it be right to assume,phone
cable?telegraph?amps rating? Old hydro cable?That copper cable they
used to run by the train tracks 20 years back?
Do I need to go 24VDC to get back to 12VDC at destination?(hate this
I can find 100amp cable in 100m rolls where do I look for bigger stuff
Finally is it worth AC over this distance?I would gather a similar
infustructure would need to be in place as with DC?
To tidy this up,what cable should I be looking at using?
Thanks in Advance
and expense.(we all need to do this right?)
I have discovered that I may need some seriously heavy duty cable for
my power station.
Basics are understood that DC was no good for long runs therefore AC is
7 to 12 miles for DC dose not ring bells!?
Is It dumb to try to transport DC over such a distance?
What loss can I expect provided I can find a matching cable specific to
my requirments.?roughly(have been googling,but looking for been there
What Cable has been used in the past for this type of
application......at a guess would it be right to assume,phone
cable?telegraph?amps rating? Old hydro cable?That copper cable they
used to run by the train tracks 20 years back?
Do I need to go 24VDC to get back to 12VDC at destination?(hate this
I can find 100amp cable in 100m rolls where do I look for bigger stuff
Finally is it worth AC over this distance?I would gather a similar
infustructure would need to be in place as with DC?
To tidy this up,what cable should I be looking at using?
Thanks in Advance