C++ Template Classes of Multi-Value Logic


Qunwei Chen

I opened a project "C++ Template Classes of Multi-Value Logic" at
sourceforge.net. http://hdl.sourceforge.net/. The purpose is to design a
lightweight library for multi-value logic types including bit, logic,
std_logic and user defined types. This library supports

o template class mvl<T> and mvl_vector<T> with arbitrary precision.
o user defined multi-value logic types, i.e. SUBTYPE in VHDL.
o automatical conversion between C/C++ builtin data types and
multi-value logic types.
o three values boolean type (true, false and unknown).
o arbitrary precision integer and natual.
o bit, bit_vector.
o logic, logic_vector.
o std_logic, std_logic_vector.
o "don't care" in comparison.
o bitwise addition, substraction and multiplication to trace unknown
value easier.

The current release is alpha version for comments and testing. Hope it
is useful to your projects.

Qunwei Chen wrote:
I opened a project "C++ Template Classes of Multi-Value Logic" at
sourceforge.net. http://hdl.sourceforge.net/. The purpose is to design a
lightweight library for multi-value logic types including bit, logic,
std_logic and user defined types. This library supports

o template class mvl<T> and mvl_vector<T> with arbitrary precision.
o user defined multi-value logic types, i.e. SUBTYPE in VHDL.
o automatical conversion between C/C++ builtin data types and
multi-value logic types.
o three values boolean type (true, false and unknown).
o arbitrary precision integer and natual.
o bit, bit_vector. o logic, logic_vector.
o std_logic, std_logic_vector.
o "don't care" in comparison.
o bitwise addition, substraction and multiplication to trace unknown
value easier.

The current release is alpha version for comments and testing. Hope it
is useful to your projects.

Hello Qunwei,

Could you briefly explain the differences between your project and the
SystemC data types?

Renaud Pacalet, ENST, 46 rue Barrault 75634 Paris Cedex 13
###### Tel. : 01 45 81 78 08 | Fax : 01 45 80 40 36 ######
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Some differences are listed below. Point out when I'm wrong. Thanks.

Compare with SystemC Datatypes:
1. Integer type
There is no big difference with SystemC. Both support signed and unsigned
integer. SystemC divides integer as sc_int and sc_bigint to improve speed
as it claims. In this project, integer is not differentiated in size
excepts the implementation has little different if the size is less or
equal to 32. As in this project, it supports automatical conversion from
or to C/C++ builtin data types. You can use the builtin data types to save
memory and improve the speed.
2. Boolean
In this project, it supports three values boolean type (true, false and
unknown). It is useful in logic data types. The SystemC does not have
similar type.
3. Logic data types
SystemC provides only two pre-defined logic data types, bit and logic. It
does not support '+', '-', '*', '/' and '%' directly.
In this project, it supports user defined logic data types and provides
three pre-defined types, bit, logic and std_logic. It supports signed and
unsigned data, supports three-values in comparisons, supports "don't care"
in comparisons (==, !=, >, >=, < and <=), supports '+', '-', '*', '/' and
'%' directly, supports optional bitwise '+', '-' and '*' to help tracing
'X' if applicable.
4. Data conversion
Supports automatical conversion from C/C++ data types to integer, boolean
and logic data types and vice versa.
Supports automatical conversion among integer, boolean and logic data types.
Supports explicitly conversion among logic data types and can be defined
by users.
5. All logic data types are independent. You can use or define based on your
needs. So, it will speed up compilation dramatically.

Renaud Pacalet wrote:
Qunwei Chen wrote:

I opened a project "C++ Template Classes of Multi-Value Logic" at
sourceforge.net. http://hdl.sourceforge.net/. The purpose is to design
a lightweight library for multi-value logic types including bit,
logic, std_logic and user defined types. This library supports

o template class mvl<T> and mvl_vector<T> with arbitrary precision.
o user defined multi-value logic types, i.e. SUBTYPE in VHDL.
o automatical conversion between C/C++ builtin data types and
multi-value logic types.
o three values boolean type (true, false and unknown).
o arbitrary precision integer and natual.
o bit, bit_vector. o logic, logic_vector.
o std_logic, std_logic_vector.
o "don't care" in comparison.
o bitwise addition, substraction and multiplication to trace unknown
value easier.

The current release is alpha version for comments and testing. Hope it
is useful to your projects.


Hello Qunwei,

Could you briefly explain the differences between your project and the
SystemC data types?

It's true for 64bit systems.

Stephen Williams wrote:
Qunwei Chen wrote:

Some differences are listed below. Point out when I'm wrong. Thanks.

Compare with SystemC Datatypes:
1. Integer type
There is no big difference with SystemC. Both support signed and
integer. SystemC divides integer as sc_int and sc_bigint to improve
as it claims. In this project, integer is not differentiated in size
excepts the implementation has little different if the size is less or
equal to 32. As in this project, it supports automatical conversion
or to C/C++ builtin data types. You can use the builtin data types
to save
memory and improve the speed.

I presume that you mean "size is less or equal to long" because
there are those amongst us who have 64bit systems. (I have an
alpha *and* an Opteron:)
a fanQunwei Chen wrote:
Some differences are listed below. Point out when I'm wrong. Thanks.
Thanks. It looks interesting. My only remark concerns your boolean type:

2. Boolean
In this project, it supports three values boolean type (true, false and
unknown). It is useful in logic data types. The SystemC does not have
similar type.
Why not? But then raises the "if(unknown)" problem. What behaviour will
you define for this in case boolean variable A is unknown:

if (A)
B = true;
B = false;

I'm not fond of considering the boolean type as another "logic" type or
integer type (as in C). You need a type to express conditions. Usually a
first order logic is used where conditions are true or false. It makes
programs understandable and deterministic. When a "logic" type is used
to express conditions, as in Verilog with the 01XZ values, it gives some
interesting situations:

if(a == b)

has a different behaviour than:

if(a != b)

You then need several versions of your equality operators (==, ===, !=,
!==) and control structures (case, casez, casex) and you have some very
funny definitions for conditionnal operators as "?:". I suggest that you
have a look at "?:" definition in Verilog.

Renaud Pacalet, ENST, 46 rue Barrault 75634 Paris Cedex 13
###### Tel. : 01 45 81 78 08 | Fax : 01 45 80 40 36 ######
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The boolean will be converted automatically to C/C++ builtin bool type when it
is used as a contional expression as the C/C++ program supports only two value
s (true or false). The conversion between boolean and C/C++ bool is
unknown => false
false => false
true => true
Only the comparison operators (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=) will generate boolean
type result.

For your first case,
if (A)
B = true;
B = false;

The A is converted automatically as C/C++ bool not boolean because of C/C++
compiler. The result is false if A is unknown.

The introduce of boolean type is for the result as in your second case. The
behaviours might be different in using if (a==b) .. else ..., than if (a!=b)
.... else .... It depends on whether the type of a and b supports unknown
value. The pre-defined logic and std_logic will have unknown value in
comparison, but the bit type has only true or false result.

When a unknown value is in conditional expression, it usually means that there
is something wrong in the design.

Renaud Pacalet wrote:
a fanQunwei Chen wrote:

Some differences are listed below. Point out when I'm wrong. Thanks.

Thanks. It looks interesting. My only remark concerns your boolean type:

2. Boolean
In this project, it supports three values boolean type (true, false
unknown). It is useful in logic data types. The SystemC does not have
similar type.

Why not? But then raises the "if(unknown)" problem. What behaviour will
you define for this in case boolean variable A is unknown:

if (A)
B = true;
B = false;

I'm not fond of considering the boolean type as another "logic" type or
integer type (as in C). You need a type to express conditions. Usually a
first order logic is used where conditions are true or false. It makes
programs understandable and deterministic. When a "logic" type is used
to express conditions, as in Verilog with the 01XZ values, it gives some
interesting situations:

if(a == b)

has a different behaviour than:

if(a != b)

You then need several versions of your equality operators (==, ===, !=,
!==) and control structures (case, casez, casex) and you have some very
funny definitions for conditionnal operators as "?:". I suggest that you
have a look at "?:" definition in Verilog.

Qunwei Chen wrote:

When a unknown value is in conditional expression, it usually means that
there is something wrong in the design.
So you probably don't need a third value in the boolean type.

Renaud Pacalet, ENST, 46 rue Barrault 75634 Paris Cedex 13
###### Tel. : 01 45 81 78 08 | Fax : 01 45 80 40 36 ######
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