I was building an inverter, and started getting anomalies. I realised
that I really should have a look at the output waveform. I assume to
do this I'll need an oscilloscope, but they are very expensive new and
I certainly can't afford one.
Oatley electronics sells some cheap
ZC0339 30MHz, Dual trace. Two units included. One has faulty vertical
amplifiers and the other has noisy pots. (1 pair only) $330
ZC0340 (USED) HITACHI 60MHz OSCILLOSCOPE: Model# V-650F. Faulty
Attenuator controls. (1 only) $150
ZC0341 (USED) LEADER 35MHZ OSCILLOSCOPE: Model# LBO 524a. Two units
included. One has faulty vertical Amplifiers and the other has a noisy
CH2. (1 pair only) $300
But they are all faulty. Would the faults be easy to repair? IF not,
would there be some place where oscilloscopes go cheap?
that I really should have a look at the output waveform. I assume to
do this I'll need an oscilloscope, but they are very expensive new and
I certainly can't afford one.
Oatley electronics sells some cheap
ZC0339 30MHz, Dual trace. Two units included. One has faulty vertical
amplifiers and the other has noisy pots. (1 pair only) $330
ZC0340 (USED) HITACHI 60MHz OSCILLOSCOPE: Model# V-650F. Faulty
Attenuator controls. (1 only) $150
ZC0341 (USED) LEADER 35MHZ OSCILLOSCOPE: Model# LBO 524a. Two units
included. One has faulty vertical Amplifiers and the other has a noisy
CH2. (1 pair only) $300
But they are all faulty. Would the faults be easy to repair? IF not,
would there be some place where oscilloscopes go cheap?