Button clock



Hi to everyone!

This is my first message here so first of all thanks to everyone to let m
post here!

I have a homework, it consists on writing a processor and make it work in
Spartan 3. I did the first but the second one is getting difficult. I jus
want to show my profesor that processor is working well so I want t
generate a clock event with a button or switch just like here

My UCF is this one:

#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE


#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments
NET "an0" LOC = "E13" ;
NET "an3" LOC = "F14" ;
NET "an2" LOC = "G14" ;
NET "an1" LOC = "d14" ;

#This is a button to simulate a clock
NET "simulated_clk" LOC = "M13" ;

######################### 8 Led
NET "mult_lec" LOC = "K12" ;
NET "mult_esc" LOC = "P14" ;
NET "mult_ret" LOC = "L12" ;
NET "mult_pc" LOC = "N14" ;
NET "reg_w" LOC = "P13" ;
NET "call_w" LOC = "N12" ;
NET "sel_alu" LOC = "P12" ;

#I use this for another thing
NET "clk" LOC = "T9" ;

###################################### Segments
NET "segmentos<6>" LOC = "E14" ;
NET "segmentos<5>" LOC = "G13" ;
NET "segmentos<4>" LOC = "N15" ;
NET "segmentos<3>" LOC = "P15" ;
NET "segmentos<2>" LOC = "R16" ;
NET "segmentos<1>" LOC = "F13" ;
NET "segmentos<0>" LOC = "N16" ;
NET "segmentos<7>" LOC = "P16" ;

####################################### Switche
NET "act_reg1" LOC = "F12" ;
NET "act_reg2" LOC = "G12" ;
NET "act_reg3" LOC = "H14" ;

#PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints

#PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints

#PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE


And here is a fragment of my processor:

----PC process

variable pc_out: std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
variable pc_high : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
--Si es la primera vez que se carga
if inicio='0' then
--Se ha cargado mĂĄs veces
elsif simulated='1' and simulated_clk'event then

end process;

I don't know why it doesn't work. As I said I just want to simulate a cloc
so to show my proffesor how the processor works step by step (instructio
by instruction).

Hope you can help. Thanks!

PD: Sorry for my poor English.

Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
Le 18/01/2013 21:32, tupadre a écrit :
Hi to everyone!
And here is a fragment of my processor:

----PC process

variable pc_out: std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
variable pc_high : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
--Si es la primera vez que se carga
if inicio='0' then
--Se ha cargado mĂĄs veces
elsif simulated='1' and simulated_clk'event then

end process;

I don't know why it doesn't work. As I said I just want to simulate a clock
so to show my proffesor how the processor works step by step (instruction
by instruction).

Hope you can help. Thanks!
Your clock edge condition looks wrong, it should be :
elsif simulated_clk = '1' and simulated_clk'event then
or you can use the rising_edge function instead :
elsif rising_edge(simulated_clk) then

Le 18/01/2013 21:32, tupadre a �crit :
Hi to everyone!
And here is a fragment of my processor:

----PC process

variable pc_out: std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
variable pc_high : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
--Si es la primera vez que se carga
if inicio='0' then
--Se ha cargado mĂĄs veces
elsif simulated='1' and simulated_clk'event then

end process;

I don't know why it doesn't work. As I said I just want to simulate
so to show my proffesor how the processor works step by ste
by instruction).

Hope you can help. Thanks!

Your clock edge condition looks wrong, it should be :
elsif simulated_clk = '1' and simulated_clk'event then
or you can use the rising_edge function instead :
elsif rising_edge(simulated_clk) then

First of all thanks for answering.

Yeah, you are right the code is wrong but is due to the translation fro
spanish to english (my real code is fine). However, I will try wit

Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
rising_edge() doesn't work...

I modified the .ucf file in order to test if the "pulsador" switch i
working by adding this line "NET "pulsador" LOC = "P11" ;" so when
switch on pulsador it should be turned on the P11 led but it doesn't ligh

My new .ucf:

#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE


#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments
NET "an0" LOC = "E13" ;
NET "an3" LOC = "F14" ;
NET "an2" LOC = "G14" ;
NET "an1" LOC = "d14" ;

######################### 8 Led
NET "mult_lec" LOC = "K12" ;
NET "mult_esc" LOC = "P14" ;
NET "mult_ret" LOC = "L12" ;
NET "mult_pc" LOC = "N14" ;
NET "reg_w" LOC = "P13" ;
NET "call_w" LOC = "N12" ;
NET "sel_alu" LOC = "P12" ;
NET "pulsador" LOC = "P11" ;

NET "clk" LOC = "T9" ;
#Frecuencia de 50 MHz

###################################### AquĂ­ va el marcador
NET "segmentos<6>" LOC = "E14" ;
NET "segmentos<5>" LOC = "G13" ;
NET "segmentos<4>" LOC = "N15" ;
NET "segmentos<3>" LOC = "P15" ;
NET "segmentos<2>" LOC = "R16" ;
NET "segmentos<1>" LOC = "F13" ;
NET "segmentos<0>" LOC = "N16" ;
NET "segmentos<7>" LOC = "P16" ;

####################################### Switche
###### Indicar registro 1 #####
NET "act_reg1" LOC = "F12" ;
###### Indicar registro 2 #####
NET "act_reg2" LOC = "G12" ;
###### Indicar registro 2 #####
NET "act_reg3" LOC = "H14" ;
######### My button clock ############
NET "pulsador" LOC = "H13" ;

#PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints

#PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints

#PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE

Hope you can help!

Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
tupadre wrote:
Hi to everyone!

This is my first message here so first of all thanks to everyone to let me
post here!

I have a homework, it consists on writing a processor and make it work in a
Spartan 3. I did the first but the second one is getting difficult. I just
want to show my profesor that processor is working well so I want to
generate a clock event with a button or switch just like here:

My UCF is this one:

#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE


#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments
NET "an0" LOC = "E13" ;
NET "an3" LOC = "F14" ;
NET "an2" LOC = "G14" ;
NET "an1" LOC = "d14" ;

#This is a button to simulate a clock
NET "simulated_clk" LOC = "M13" ;

######################### 8 Leds
NET "mult_lec" LOC = "K12" ;
NET "mult_esc" LOC = "P14" ;
NET "mult_ret" LOC = "L12" ;
NET "mult_pc" LOC = "N14" ;
NET "reg_w" LOC = "P13" ;
NET "call_w" LOC = "N12" ;
NET "sel_alu" LOC = "P12" ;

#I use this for another thing
NET "clk" LOC = "T9" ;

###################################### Segments
NET "segmentos<6>" LOC = "E14" ;
NET "segmentos<5>" LOC = "G13" ;
NET "segmentos<4>" LOC = "N15" ;
NET "segmentos<3>" LOC = "P15" ;
NET "segmentos<2>" LOC = "R16" ;
NET "segmentos<1>" LOC = "F13" ;
NET "segmentos<0>" LOC = "N16" ;
NET "segmentos<7>" LOC = "P16" ;

####################################### Switches
NET "act_reg1" LOC = "F12" ;
NET "act_reg2" LOC = "G12" ;
NET "act_reg3" LOC = "H14" ;

#PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints

#PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints

#PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE


And here is a fragment of my processor:

----PC process

variable pc_out: std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
variable pc_high : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
--Si es la primera vez que se carga
if inicio='0' then
--Se ha cargado mĂĄs veces
elsif simulated='1' and simulated_clk'event then

end process;

I don't know why it doesn't work. As I said I just want to simulate a clock
so to show my proffesor how the processor works step by step (instruction
by instruction).

Hope you can help. Thanks!

PD: Sorry for my poor English.

Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
You don't say exactly what doesn't work, but the obvious
problem with using a button for a clock is that if it is
a typical mechanical switch it will bounce, and then each
button press will generate many clocks to your circuit.

You need to debounce the switch in order to use it as
a clock.

-- Gabor
Ok, it didn't work because the 'start' port was always to 0 so th
processor couldn't start working :)

Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com

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